Classes, Summoner Court

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When I walked down the steps into the Greenhouse for my herbology class, I saw Professor Garlick. Passing out cotton balls, seeing my classmates firmly shove the puffs in their ears. Then she handed Lenora a squash for her Auntie then I saw her absolutely light up when she saw me.

"Oh you're the new Fifth year!" She offered me the Cotton and faced the class, "Class please welcome the newest Rose to our Garden!" I could see Sebastian staring at us, his fingers tangled while his thumbs twiddled. His brows raised at the mention of me being a new Rose. He noticed my look to him and he chuckled.

"Please take a seat at the planter next to Mr. Sallow and be sure to stuff your ears with those cotton balls!" I nodded and sat at my stool next to Sebastian.

"Well I'd say she's spot on with that description." Sebastian murmured to me, before I put the cotton balls into my ears. I felt my face flush,

"I am most definitely not a Rose." I stated, I may have been slightly embarrassed by the introduction.

"Well you're red like one." Sebastian chuckled as I felt my face heat up more. I smacked his arm and he feigned being hurt. I saw professor Garlick go onto her podium, asking anyone who hasn't put in their cotton balls. I stuffed the fibers into my ears now hearing everything muffled.

I followed her instructions and when I pulled my Mandrake out I felt the cries rattle through me, my ears reverberating the sound. Mine was much louder then the rest as everyone struggled to replant their own. I quickly shoved the ugly thing back into its new pot covering it with its dirt. A shuddering sigh left my lips as I patted the dirt down.

"I think my ears are bleeding." I whined to Sebastian.

"I'll say you must have gotten a more mature one." He looked at me and to the pot, then I saw professor Garlick walk over.

"I am so sorry Ada dear, I must have given you a Mature one by mistake." She held the pot to her.

"It's quite alright professor, though my ears are still throbbing." I joked a bit to lighten the mood, Professor Garlick couldn't help but smile at me.
"Well, why don't you get away from the mandrakes for a bit and I'll have someone show you the Chinese Chomping Cabbages."

"I can-" Sebastian was cut off by Leander raising his hand eagerly.

"I'll do it!" He was already standing and walking around to us.

"Thank you Leander, such a sweetheart. Please go show her how to care for them."

"Yes Ma'am." He said, motioning a hand for me to go on ahead of him, I only nodded and walked with him silently up the stairs and once we were at the second floor he stopped us.

"Hey, listen I'm sorry about what happened in the Clock Tower. I was a bit peeved that day, I was hoping we could start over. I'm Leander Prewett," his hand rested on his chest, "It's a pleasure to meet you officially Ada."

I raised a brow to him, "Ah well, apology accepted Leander." I walked past him towards the outer bridge exit.

"I also have to say you were brilliant fighting against Sebastian, you absolutely slaughtered him." He was walking beside me now across the bridge, I only hummed and nodded letting him talk.

"Now see Gryffindors fight with honor unlike Slytherins, though I suppose Hufflepuffs do as well."

"Well Leander, Sebastian does have a point. People will do anything for survival and people with something to lose won't follow an honor code," I looked at him, his pale face a bit flush now, almost matching his red hair. He was just a bit taller than Sebastian, "but thank you I suppose for the compliment." His hand rubbed over his long neck, looking a bit bashful. He had gotten so irate with Sebastian telling him this but flustered with me.

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