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Professor Sharp went over the uses of pearl dust, how to properly break down and grind the pearl and how to best use the special and very expensive potion ingredient.

The class stood around watching him, taking notes of the technique. We wouldn't be making anything with it due to the ingredients' hefty pricing but it was something we needed to learn. Sebastian and Ominis stood at either side of me, Ominis only listening and Sebastian writing his notes. Both of these boys absolutely drove me ragged over winter break.

I wasn't eating as much anymore, the weight I had gained back was all but gone because the two of them even after my insistence that they make up wouldn't. They wouldn't listen to me nor anyone else.

The only thing keeping them from fighting was putting myself in the crossfire. It had almost become physical a few days after the ball, only this time Ominis was the instigator, having found out that Nox had conspired with Sebastian to get a dance in with me.

I really had no idea what to do.

The door opened and I saw Nox holding a large bottle wrapped in cloth and tied off with some twine.

"I'm sorry Professor for this being so late. I meant to drop it off this morning but got sidetracked with some extra work." He announced, Sharp stopped his lecture by putting down the pestle.

"No time better than now Mr. Marrow. I'll be sure this goes towards your Potion credits. Why don't you start us off." He motioned my brother over, Nox walked over still holding the large bottle.

"Give the potion a good whiff and tell us what you smell... let's see if anyone did their reading last week." Sharp looked over the class.

Nox popped the cork, glancing over at Poppy briefly. He took in a deep inhale of whatever was in the bottle.

"Poppy Flowers and the Black Lake." Nox murmured, his eyes set on Poppy whose face turned a slight red.

"Can anyone guess what potion it is?" Sharp asked the class, he was met with silence.

"Alright Miss. Sweeting please take the bottle and smell it." Poppy nodded, setting her notes down as she approached Nox taking the bottle. My brother leaned against Sharps' desk watching now. Poppy took a quick whiff of the potion, brows raising as she smelled it again.

"Oh... Um Kneazle Fur... and Pomade?" She said, setting the bottle down on the desk. People looked equally confused now.

"Anyone? Really, why do I even ask... ahh... Miss. Marrow please come up and smell the potion I trust you read last week's chapters."

I perked up and nodded, stepping away from the two boys. I walked to the desk and lifted the potion to smell it. The scent had me confused, I was expecting flowers, Black Lake or even Kneazle Fur but it smelled so much different.

It smelled like Ominis and Sebastian.

"Miss. Marrow if you would tell us what you smell?" Sharp urged me, hobbling around the desk.

"Oh um... Old Tomes, Moss..." I took in another deep inhale, "Mallowsweet... and Elf wine." There were other smells mixed in, smells I could barely decipher but smelled so familiar. I was a bit entranced by the smell, but I set down and corked the bottle.

"Mr. Weasley, thank you so much for participating! Do you know what it is?" Sharp asked, he so wanted someone to move us along.

"Amortentia, Sir. The most Powerful Love Potion. You smell what you love the most."

"Thank you-"

The lecture seemed to drown out, the smells reminded me so much of Sebastian and Ominis... It felt like everything had stopped around me. I loved them both... oh dear Merlin what was wrong with me. I cannot be in love with both of them. I stared down at the bottle that had ripped my world in two.

Legacy Undone: Sebastian/MC/OminisWhere stories live. Discover now