Jackdaws' Tomb

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Right after we were released from detention, Sebastian and I hurried out of the castle along the road to Hogsmeade.

"The Portrait said his name was Eldritch Diggory, we're looking for his Great Niece Helen Thistlewood. He said her home is in Upper Hogsfield and that he'd go and tell her to expect my arrival but I'm sure she wouldn't mind you tagging along." I was feeding him what was told to me as we walked.

"How exactly would those missing pages solve a cold case?" Sebastian questioned, arms crossed over his chest as he watched me rather intently.

"He said that his Great Niece believes it will exonerate the girl that was falsely accused of this boy's death but he couldn't give specifics."

"Well that specific hamlet is a good twenty minute walk..." Sebastian murmured, hand rubbing along his neck, "So Ominis told me you forgave him."

I glanced at him, "Really there was nothing to forgive. We all make mistakes and really I couldn't stand seeing his face like that."

"Like what?" Sebastian asked, glancing at me. I clasped my hands behind my back as we continued the walk.

"When he let go of me... he's rather expressive. He looked shocked and then disgusted with himself. It's why I could forgive him so easily..." My voice trailed off to silence.

"Yes that does sound like him, he tries so hard to be better than those he's forced to be around." Sebastians' voice had also grown quiet.

"He told me about his family being Dark Wizards, that he detests Dark Magic. I can't imagine what it's like for him to be around those who use it so often."

"Yes, well, he has his reasons for disliking it. Seeing as they abuse it at every turn."

"I take it you don't agree with him?" I glanced at him.

"Ominis has good reasons, but I feel Dark Magic is only frowned upon because of those who wish to use it for nefarious reasons. I wish he'd see it the way I see it but I won't be holding my breath anytime soon." That conversation went on, even to him promising to teach me some more spells one of these days when we're free.

Though once we passed through Hogsmeade we were halted,

"Hufflepuff girl, brown hair and a scar on her cheek." I heard a man muse. Walking onto the path from behind a cluster of trees.

"Rookwood will be pleased." His face was hidden by a skull mask, "you finally left the castle and all you have is your little friend."

I pulled out my wand, Sebastian following my lead. Trails of smoke touched down all around us revealing more Ashwinders. Sebastian moved his back pressed to mine.

"I'm most definitely teaching you more spells after our little trip." His tone was flat, more likely annoyed now that we were stopped.

"We can speak about that later." I stated, "Less words and more action."

I saw one cast and I yelled out, "Protego!" The spell bounced off.

"Remember! We need her alive, the boy not so much." One called out.

"A Sallow never backs down from a fight and I'm not against wrecking you lot into the dirt." He was always so confident in himself even as he let out a series of spells at the ones facing him. His roster was bigger than mine, launching spells I'd never heard of before.

One attempted to grab at me, "Depulso!" I sent him flying back down the hill side.

"Expelliarmus!" Launching his wand from his hand then, "ACCIO!" I snatched his wand from mid air. Then, smashed it with my heel.

Legacy Undone: Sebastian/MC/OminisWhere stories live. Discover now