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How have you been? It's been a few weeks since I wrote to you or Sebastian. I hope you're both doing alright.

My research has been troubling, I managed to go to all of Isadora's secret spots that Sebastian and I found earlier in the year, collecting anything of importance to study it over. I've found her old Spellbooks, journals and her research papers. Seems she had been doing much more than just taking people's pain, perhaps before she let the power take control of her she had been attempting healing spells.

Anne and I have gotten closer, we tend to spend a lot of time together. I only tend to leave the area if I need to go out and get us food or other supplies. Please write back to me if you wish to get together at Hogsmeade.

With Love,

Ada Marrow



I figured with your lack of reply to my letters you're still cross with me or you're continuing the earlier treatment of ignoring my entire existence. I wish to just inform you that your sister is doing fine. Only difference is that she's much more tired each passing day and she's insistent that I take more breaks with my research.

Sincerely Yours,

Ada Marrow



I would love to see you for a Butterbeer in Hogsmeade, perhaps next weekend and I think it's best you stop sending Sebastian letters. He doesn't read them, only tosses them in the fireplace. I've tried talking with him but he only tends to shut down and ignore me.

I'm also pleased that you and Anne have gotten closer, Sebastian was right that you'd fit with our Trio and make us a Quartet, I can only hope he stops being a snit and gives you some resemblance of an apology.

Forever Yours,

Ominis Gaunt



I stepped out from mine and Ada's shared room, I held a lamp in hand and walked a bit down to her writing desk.

It was already approaching the middle of August, just a few more weeks until school started again in September first. Ada's hair had grown long, from her shoulders now to her shoulder blades and I had seen her round face edge out and become more gaunt. She didn't eat when she was stressed so she lost some weight much to my displeasure. I saw her leaning over her desk, head resting on her hand as she made notes of those journals she brought. Her body rocked forward a bit in her seat, obviously on the verge of passing out. Her wand rested on a stand, casting Lumos to light up her work area.

I set the lamp down on the table and slowly walked up behind her, my hands rested on her shoulder. I felt her jump in her seat startled by my touch.

"Oh, Anne. Sorry, is it that late already?" She murmured, "Did I wake you up?"

"No I woke up on my own, just another bout of pain... You should really go to sleep, Ada." I muttered quietly to her, "Please?"

She sighed, hand rubbing over her face.

"I feel it, I'm so close to the answer but I keep hitting roadblocks..." She murmured.

"Perhaps you're hitting these blocks because of how tired you are." I suggested, hands lightly rubbing her shoulders.

Legacy Undone: Sebastian/MC/OminisWhere stories live. Discover now