First Hint, Dance Lessons

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Nox and I sat in chairs, I could feel the tension in the room from the adults surrounding us. I hunched in the chair, chin resting on the palm of my hand as I listened to them argue about semantics.

I couldn't care less about winning this, I just wanted to survive and I had survived. If I was disqualified from the running I would happily get on my hands and knees and kiss their feet, but I wasn't disqualified. They were just debating on if I passed the Trial or not, Nox had interfered but if he hadn't I would have died in an unfair trial. That was what Professor Black was arguing to the other two headmasters.

"I don't care about Fame and Glory, just announce I didn't win and let's move on." I snapped out, then I felt a hand on my shoulder squeezing it.

"What he means," Nox repeated, "That he's much more worried that someone was able to sabotage him like that than whether or not he won the Trial."

"While I am aware of the accusations-"

"It's the truth!" I hissed out.

"TOWARDS your brother Obitus Gaunt, there's no proof. We had his wand checked and the last spell he had used with it was the shield he helped raise up." Black snapped back out, "You can both go." I could hear his hands smooth over his chest trying to regain some sort of composure. "We'll announce our verdict at the second trial."

I heard Nox's seat creek as he got up, his hand lifting me by my arm to drag me from the headmaster's office.

"You're a damn idiot, you don't argue with Black you agree." Nox hissed out.

"Not my fault his knickers were twisted up." I spat out, I was angry and lashing out again. This year wasn't going as planned and while I had finally accepted I'd have to compete my brother added a heavy layer of complications. He was the only one daft enough to try and pull a stunt like that.

"You're lucky my Sister likes you otherwise I'd have the freedom to smack you around until you gain some sense." Nox let go of my arm but didn't leave my side, he still walked with me. I wanted to smack him as well, even if he did save me I still didn't trust him. Once we left the main stairs I felt arms wrapped tight around me, I could feel the familiar press of Adas' body against mine. Anger seemed to flow away as my arms held her to me.

"I'm so happy you're okay." She murmured, her face pressed to my chest.

"I'm alright." I murmured to her, letting my hand stroke over her hair and back. She pulled from me, then I heard Nox protests then he went deathly silent.

"Thank you so much for interfering." Ada murmured, I listened carefully to the sound of cloth shifting.

"Anything for you." Nox murmured back to her, "Now stop hugging me and go fawn over your Basilisk tamer."

I scowled, "I didn't tame it." I sounded annoyed and I was exhausted from the entire ordeal.

"Well it looked like you tamed it from where I was at." Nox stated, I felt Adas' hand hold onto mine.

"Sebastian is waiting for us, did they let you have the cylinder?" She asked me quietly.

"Yes they did, I'm hopeful we can solve it soon."

I heard Nox sigh, "I'll leave you both to it then, I got a date with Miss. Sweeting."

"A date with Poppy?" Ada questioned, "Nox I swear if you're using her."

"Please Sister, we're using each other. It's been clarified and agreed upon. Have a good evening, don't get up to too much trouble." I felt his hand pat my back then heard his distinctive footsteps walk muffled along the carpeted hallway.

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