Estranged, Fixerupper, Weasley

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    I sat down on a crate watching Nox pace around in front of me while he went on with his lecture. The wet smell of moss after the last rainfall filled my nose. I held his spell book in my lap, thumb rubbing along the spine. Trying to get the sight of his sister out of my head, he wasn't very appreciative of the first time he saw that.

My eyes flicked from the ground to him standing there, arms crossed and a look of disgust on his face.

"You really need to get a hold of yourself, disgusting." He hissed out, eyes narrowed in on mine.

"I'm sorry, it's just..." I looked over the book having read it over many times, "I can't help but feel she'll be disappointed in me."

"Of course she will. You lied to her but disappointment is temporary." Nox waved me off rolling his eyes, he still had his hood up but his glasses were off.

"Now repeat the rules of Marrow."

I sighed, "Dark Magic is Grey, To allow magic to control you is weakness..." Trailing off before the last rule.

"The last one Sebastian." His hand motioned trying to get the last one out

"Unforgivables are to only be used to protect those dearest to us."

"Good! Thank you, if selfish thoughts overcome you, what do you do?" He walked closer.

"Remember her." I repeated.

"She is your anchor, she is the thing that will keep you level headed! It's not a thing of what she wants, it's what is needed. She doesn't want you to learn this but you will need to know this to properly protect her, if she holds such a strong power inside of her then People will seek it out."

"No one can steal her magic from her-"

"Yet, they can't steal it yet." Nox pressed that into me, "they don't have to steal it if they can control her. As I know she doesn't have the ability to break free from the imperious curse?"

"No she doesn't."

"Then we continue," he continued with his lecture, "You read and practiced the wand movement for the Statue Curse correct?"

"Yes I did."

"Use it on that sapling." Nox pointed to the small growing sapling near the lake's edge. He stood off to the side watching me carefully. I casted it, the bolt of magic hit the tree, the wood creaked in pain as stone overtook it, once a living object now turned to a delicate statue, he approached it looking over the skinny stone statue. He reached out and took a branch and snapped it clean off the statue seeing even down to the core it was stone.

"Good... practice Fiendfyre next... Now I have questions about your involvement with unforgivables... You taught yourself correct?" He asked me, finally pulling his hood down. His condition from the last time I saw him hadn't improved. His hand ran through his styled hair, his sleeve slipping showing the blackened skin underneath.

    "It's getting worse isn't it." I murmured to him, his eyes landed on me, eyes hardening.

"It doesn't matter, my condition doesn't change our goals. Now answer the question Sebastian."

"Yes, I'm self taught."

"Tell me of every instance you used those curses." He sat down across from me, watching me. I wouldn't be able to lie to him.

"I've only used Crucio and The Killing Curse once. I've used Imperio multiple times... When I was teaching myself I used it on a spider infestation out in the forest east of Feldcroft and... and the last time I used it was when I saved my sister from being killed by a Goblin."

Legacy Undone: Sebastian/MC/OminisWhere stories live. Discover now