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Lodgok was dead, killed by his own brother's hand and even after that I had to move on to the third trial. Ranrok knows where the last repository is. He knows but I found myself redirecting my broom from returning to the map chamber rushing to the Feldcroft Catacombs. I had received Ominis's Howler. Sebastian had gone without us, calling Anne to him.

I swooped down, abandoning my broom on the ground as I sprinted up the hill to the entrance. I stopped Ominis and Anne outside. Anne looked worriedly at the barricade sealing the catacomb shut while Ominis started pacing.

"What happened? Ominis, Anne, where's Sebastian?!"

"Ada, I'm glad you're here, he's in the catacomb." Ominis gripped at his wand, "You promised you'd keep him from acting recklessly."

"I know, it's my fault but it seems I underestimated his determination to cure Anne."

"I have to go. I can't be here." I looked at Anne seeing her pull away from us, she looked pale as a ghost as she rushed off.

"I should have stopped him originally, We need to go in, Sebastian is in danger, the entire catacomb is swarming with Inferi!"


"It has something to do with that damn relic, creating Inferi is already incredibly dark magic but controlling them? We need to go in now."

"Let's go."

The inferi didn't appear until we reached the first small room of the catacomb. I had dealt with Inferi before. They were easy to dispatch, once fire had started consuming them like kindling. The issue came when they'd appear in hordes, Ominis and I stuck close together, keeping the hoards from overpowering either of us. I had been worried about him, but my worry was unfounded.

He was just as skilled in wand combat as Sebastian was. If not more accurate with his shot. The last one fell and I sighed in relief, "We can move on now."

"Hold on," I stopped looking back at him, "I didn't realize it because I was too worried about Sebastian but Annes' gone to get Solomon!"

I felt my blood run cold, breath sucking in. "Solomon said he'd go to the Headmaster if either of us were caught using dark magic again."

"I need to get to Professor Black first, to twist the story to make it seem like it's a family issue. Ada you need to find him and talk some sense into him."

"I will, Ominis you need to go and hurry."

"Be careful Ada." Ominis turned leaving me to delve deeper into the Catacomb. There were times I had almost gotten overwhelmed by the sheer amount of them, The Inferi were unmatched in strength but incredibly, happily, slow. The final blow I let loose an inferno surrounding me, almost consuming the room.

"Sebastian!" I called out, where was he? I had to go deeper. I had to find him. Then I found him, murmuring over the relic as he was surrounded by docile Inferi.

"Sebastian!" His head snapped up looking back at me, his eyes going wide.

"What are you doing here?"

"I should be the one asking why you didn't call for me! I had to find out from Ominis that you were here. Without us!"

"Ominis wouldn't come! I had to do this. The relic is the key, with it I can control Annes' curse just as I control the Inferi.'

"Sebastian you're not controlling them all. I had to fight hordes just to get to you! You're putting the entire Feldcroft region in danger-"

Legacy Undone: Sebastian/MC/OminisWhere stories live. Discover now