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It had been some time since my talk with Sebastian in the Undercroft. I hadn't really seen or talked with him outside of our classes until one day I overheard arguing off to the side of the great hall.

"Anything to do with the Dark Arts should be strictly avoided..." Ominous stated.

"Anything involving Salazar Slytherin is worth the risk." Sebastian had his arms crossed watching Ominis while he fiddled with his wand, leaning back against the wall.

"I'm Sorry, but I disagree. I will hear no more about this Sebastian." He pushed off the wall and started forward then  walked right by me, having probably not even noticed I was there. I looked at Sebastian and his eyes landed on me.

"Ada.. Sorry about that, Ominis is being stubborn. I've been trying to convince him to show me the entrance of the scriptorium." He sat down on the bench in front of the window, "If it has anything to do with the Dark Arts he wants nothing to do with it."

I nodded, sitting down with him letting him vent out his frustrations.

"I've reminded him that Anne needs a cure and my answers could be in that Scriptorium."

"I will say Sebastian. From what I've heard they can be dangerous but I'm interested to learn more."

He seemed to smile, "I know you are and I also want you to see that Dark Magic isn't something to fear. The Gaunts' know this best... but don't get me wrong they're terrible people. They cast Crucio on Muggles for sport... Ominis he..." He trailed off.

"You don't have to tell me Sebastian."

"Most would be prying my mouth open."

"Well, I'm not most." He was silent for a time, eyes moving from me to stare off onto the blank wall.

"When Ominis was young, his parents taught him Crucio and demanded he use it on a Muggle. Ominis couldn't do it, he told me the screams they would make were the sounds of nightmares." Sebastian looked sad, "When he refused to, his family used the curse on him."

My hand went to cover my mouth, eyes widening.

"Oh... No... How could someone do something like that?" My voice was strained, "I see why he's so against it, what awful people."

Sebastian could only nod, "Truly awful, when he was asked again. To avoid feeling such pain he cast it on their victim. He hasn't forgiven himself."

"But he was just a child..."

"I tell him that, but he refuses to see it any other way. He holds such a deep guilt and it doesn't help when rumors of him using Dark Magic spread around. It just bubbles up and eats away at him inside..."

"Natty told me something along those lines... It hurt hearing that from her. Everyone is so scared of him, for no other reason than him being a Gaunt. They don't see him like I see him." I murmured.

"That's what makes it frustrating..."

"Perhaps... Can I speak with him?" I murmured, glancing at Sebastian. Sebastian was silent, then looked down at his hands.

"Perhaps you can, he should be going back to our dorms..." He glanced back up at her, "Let's go, I'll take you to him." He held his hand out to me and I didn't hesitate to take the invitation. Taking his hand briefly only to let go and hold onto his arm. The walk to the Dungeons wasn't long but we stopped in front of the wall.

"Just ignore anyone that stares or asks questions."

"You're taking me into the Slytherin Common Room?" I questioned.

Legacy Undone: Sebastian/MC/OminisWhere stories live. Discover now