Third Trial

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(April 29th)


It had only been a few days since that meeting with Henri and neither Sebastian nor I talked about it. Until now, the Common Room was empty at the moment, people had gone off to watch more Quidditch Skirmishes however Slytherin wasn't playing, so Sebastian and I kept to ourselves this morning. Ada was busy with her weekend classes so we wouldn't have the chance to speak with her until the late evenings.

I had settled myself down in a chair seated by the windows that peaked into the black lake. Not that I could see it but I rather enjoyed the coolness of the glass pressed to my head and listening to the water and passing fish. Thinking back to how many times I had sat here during my first few years to listen for Mermaids. Until I was told by a Seventh Year that the Mermaids don't come near our common room, then Anne and I upkept the tradition of tricking first years.

Sebastian was seated across from me reading aloud from a book he had gotten from the Library's new 'Muggle Reading' Section, something they added in for students who were taking Muggle Studies.

"O true apothecary, Thy drugs are quick. Thus with a kiss I die." Sebastian read out, stopped and groaned.

"This is fucking depressing." He murmured.

"What happened?" I asked softly.

"The miserable sack offed himself and she was alive the entire time just asleep and she killed herself."

I winced, "That is depressing." I heard Sebastian snap the book shut, setting it down.

"Never read that one again... I'll stick to poetry next time, Ominis, how's that sound?"

"Sounds absolutely riveting." I kept my tone flat, I really just wanted to enjoy the coolness on my head. I had been agonizing over that talk with Henri, thinking Sebastian would slip back into his old ways and try to convince me that perhaps we could share her. I waited for that conversation, he hadn't said a word about it. Just speaking with me about school work, upcoming tests and papers due.

"Ominis..." Sebastian caught my attention, his voice sounded careful, "You don't have to worry about that... I'm not going to ask you to think about what happened with Henri" I stayed silent, waiting for him to continue talking.

"She's yours, I'm standing by what I said earlier ." A breath left my lips, I didn't realize I had been holding it.

"Thank you... Sebastian."

(May 1st)


"Professor Weasley said I could go to the Last Trial." I told the two boys who had made themselves at home in my private dorm. Ominis laid out over the bottom bunk and Sebastian hung his legs over the edge of the top. Both were in their bed clothes. They weren't staying over of course and this entire scenario was completely inappropriate. Two boys in a girl's private quarters, both of them less than decently dressed while laying in her bed. They were lying in my bed. I normally wouldn't ever allow this but I suppose I was much too close to the both of them to even care about their state of undress and besides I was fully clothed.

"That's great!" Ominis started to sit up but managed to knock his head on the top bunk. Sebastian snorted, holding in laughter while Ominis winced rubbed by at the spot on his head. My hand went to cover my mouth as I sat at my desk chair.

"But I have to travel there with the other Professors." I admitted, watching Ominis frown as he laid back down in the bed, sighing, "Have I mentioned how much I appreciate you two visiting me?" I stated, "It's made this entire situation much more bearable."

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