Apologies, First Lesson

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I will not lie, when I say that after that night I had become a bit of a recluse. I was rightfully embarrassed and while I couldn't avoid Victor seeing as he was my Prefect, he profusely apologized to me about the whole ordeal, I was also correct to think he wouldn't remember anything either.

I accepted it and strongly turned him down. I was not interested in him and he apologized once again, saying he'd stomp out any rumors about us. For that I was thankful. As for the other two boys, I was avoiding them the best I could. I didn't sit with them in class. I avoided looking at them and as soon as the classes ended I practically ran away. I felt awful for it but rumors had spread like wildfires about me going into the boys dorms and not leaving until the early morning. The amount of boys questioning me or flirting with me as if I was a harlot was aggravating, to the point I was threatening people.

Even so, with Ominis first trial a week away, I was nervously walking with Imelda to the Quidditch Pitch for another race. She had reassured me Sebastian wouldn't be there but I saw now with her in her Quidditch gear that was a flat out lie. She pulled me into the girls changing room and cornered me.

"Okay, broom down, it's time for a talk. Spill it." Imelda stated rather curtly at me. Her lip almost up in a snarl and her arms crossed over her chest.
"Spill what? T-There's nothing to spill!" I sputtered out.

"I want to hear every last detail of what happened that night that you've been avoiding talking about with everyone."

"I thought we were going to race, Imelda..." I whimpered softly.

"Oh we are and I'm going to beat you this time but I am your friend and I feel you need a good talking to and in order to do that I must be caught up. So spill it Marrow." She loomed over me like some intimidating statue, "Here's what I know. Victor dragged you away; Ominis found you wandering about drunk out of your goddamn mind, then you dragged him to his room and Sebastian escorted you out of the boys dorms in the wee early morning."

She had basically summed up what had been summed up to me, "But there are some things that have been spread around that the boys are trying to keep quiet and I want your input on."

"O-Okay." I sat on a bench as she stared at me.

"You slept with Victor." She stated, I practically shook my head from my neck.

"NO! No! I did not sleep with him, most of what happened was him necking me." I admitted, Imelda looked pleased.

"You slept with Ominis."
"No. I did not."

"Do not lie to me, I saw Ominis leave for the baths covered in your lip coloring. So did every other Slytherin in the common room." Her finger pointed to me.

"I didn't! I just snogged him a lot." I murmured, doing my best to not look her in the eyes.

"And Sebastian? Why did he escort you out?"

"He... He was trying to calm me down from the whole ordeal... I mean Imelda the entire thing was so scandalous, I have boys coming up to me and asking to kiss me or if I want a quick romp in a broom closet." I felt like I'd cry and Imelda was getting pricked hearing talk about the harassment.

"I am well aware because both the boys you've been trying so hard to avoid this past week have been fiercely defending your honor, I even saw Sebastian lose his cool and start wailing on one of our teammates. You NEED to stop avoiding those two. Ominis is looking like a kicked puppy and Sebastian can't stop longingly looking at you or moping around on his broom during practice."


"No buts! I'm going to be more blunt than Poppy, Lenora and Adelaide. You were not the only girl who was influenced that night by your brother's stupid choices. In Fact he's so distraught that your reputation has been sullied by his actions he's fully admitted to everyone that he spiked the wine."
"Whenever I find him I'm going to kill him. He's been vanishing from my sight all week." I murmured, I didn't like the fact I was sounding a bit whiny.

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