Love Me Not

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"Again." Noxs' voice was soft as I snapped out of the imperious curse or well he dispelled it, a wave of exhaustion washed over me.

"Give me a second." I murmured, sitting on the crate behind me.

"There are no seconds when dealing with Dark Wizards."

"I'm well aware!" I snapped at him, we had been going on with this for well over an hour but it seemed like no matter what he made me do no matter how many times he casted it on me. I couldn't break it, in fact the last few times I sank into the calmness, welcoming it because outside that calmness was nothing worth breaking free for.

After the last fight they had with each other, and the last detention for a while. Ominis wouldn't speak with me and Sebastian was surprisingly absent.

I kept my gaze down to the dirt until I noticed Nox sit across from me, that blackened hand resting on the paleness of his cheek while he slouched forward.

"I'm exhausted." I muttered to him.

"I know." He answered back, "Obitus Gaunt... Said some things to me during our last fight." The admittance in his voice was clear, the worry thick.

"What was said?"

"He said, he'd plan to do some very vile things to you..." his lips pulled tight, eyes now avoiding mine. "This... Is why I'm pushing you so hard. I don't want you to be helpless. I want you to be aware enough to fight back." His hands moved the very stiff looking finger pressed into his palm. Habit, trying to see if there was any feeling.

"He got away... He's missing an eye but he got away." He hissed out, "It's my fault, all my fault."


"Obitus wouldn't be trying for Gaunts neck if I hadn't of put his fucking name in the Goblet. They wouldn't be at each other's throats over you if I hadn't..."


"Hadn't pushed Sebastian into continuing to pursue you." His voice trailed, brows pressed together.

"Why... Why did you do that Nox?"

"Because I knew he'd do anything and everything to keep you safe. Knew that Ominis wouldn't... no couldn't. He'd hesitate and hesitation can get those around you killed."

"You don't know that..."

"I know that he wouldn't dare use an Unforgivable..." Noxs voice was low and I felt my heart drop, "Sebastian would and has used them, be it in selfish ways but I know he'd use them to protect you just like he protected his sister."

"He... He promised." I murmured, hands clenching together tight.

"He lied." Noxs' voice was direct and harsh, "He planned to continue teaching himself but I offered to teach him in a safer atmosphere." Hands laying out motioning to the area around us.

"That's why you both became so suddenly close." I strained out.

"Yes... If it's any consolation... He hasn't used an Unforgivable since his Uncle." Nox was trying to comfort me, I shook my head no it didn't. Silence overcame us, I closed my eyes listening to the sounds of croaking frogs and the creaking of tree branches as the wind rocked them.



"Can you talk with them? Sebastian is avoiding me and Ominis won't speak. Straighten everything out."

Legacy Undone: Sebastian/MC/OminisWhere stories live. Discover now