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The last few weeks since the last trial were incredibly mundane but also normal. At least as normal as a wizarding school can get.

I grew close enough to Poppy for her to introduce me to her friend Highwing, such a fantastic beast and Poppy's words drew me to her cause. The want to stop the poachers grew, I found myself leaving the grounds occasionally to raid poaching camps. The things I saw them do to these poor animals, they didn't deserve mercy.

My first Divination Class introduced tea leaf reading, specifically Tessomancy. My cup gave a warning. A Skull and a Cross was what my partner saw in my leaves. It was a chilling experience but not unsurprising considering what was going on. Even if the last few weeks the Keepers had been silent, Professor Fig told me to not worry and to just focus on my classes and studying.

However, more likely to Professor Figs dismay, I had managed to get into more trouble with the goblins. Adelaide, someone I've grown close to, confessed to me that her Uncle has gone missing. I promised I'd help her find out what happened to him and I did. I rescued the man and he returned home. No matter the danger, if I can help I will.

Even with Sebastians' restlessness. Some days I'd return from my raids bruised and hurt and there I'd find him sitting on the steps near the kitchens waiting for me. Accessing any injuries and making sure I wasn't badly hurt. It made my stomach flutter and my heart race, seeing he was so worried about me and even the time spent partaking in the Cross Wands competition was exhilarating.

Sebastian and I have gotten closer, the same could be said for Ominis as well. I spent plenty of our free days helping him with his potion assignments. I could really call these two boys my friends. It felt surreal, having gone from being alone to feeling so close to the both of them but it was real.

Even as I stood out on the Flying Class Lawn with my broom waiting for Sebastian, I couldn't help but feel grateful. For being given the chance to come here, to start a new chapter and to leave my old life behind. For making such wonderful friends...

I sank deeper into my thoughts, fiddling with the ribbon I had tied around the handle of my broom.

"Sorry I'm late." My head snapped up looking over to Sebastian. He was dressed down like I was, I debated if I should wear my mask, I didn't plan on going anywhere near Ashwinders or Loyalist, but there was always that chance of me being spotted.

"It's no worry to me Sebastian. I don't have any other plans for the day. I can't wait to meet your Sister."

"She can't wait either. I'm hoping getting a visit from a new student will lift her spirits." He mounted his broom and I did the same, following after him when he launched off the ground. The flight there was quicker than trying to walk there on the ground. We flew past a castle, where I noticed a large camp of loyalists.

It made me uneasy, especially when I noticed the blockades and training dummies scattered around the hamlet. Once we landed down, I went to him.

"Is the hamlet in danger of the Loyalists?" I held onto his arm and he looked hesitant.

"They haven't attacked us, but the entire hamlet is on edge since a large number of their lot took up residence in Rookwoods Castle. Enough of that, today is supposed to be fun. Let's go." He motioned his head off to a small cottage, it looked comfy, inviting and when we entered into the home I saw him slowly sneak up on a girl sitting at table with her back to us.

He gave her a little scare and she screamed, "Sebastian! What are you doing here?" She had the widest smile on her face and Sebastian looked so happy to see her. I couldn't help but smile at the interaction between them. Then I caught sight of a man with darker hair and a graying beard coming out from another room of the Cottage. He looked almost pleased to see Sebastian.

Legacy Undone: Sebastian/MC/OminisWhere stories live. Discover now