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A nondescript being stood stock still, face stuck in a permanent agony, eyes wide while it started off to nothingness. It seemed to cycle through others' images. Imelda, Garreth, Ominis; Sebastian, Poppy... faces I've never seen in my life to those faces I knew were long dead. Each new face caused a fracture; cracks spreading.

Isadora, Rackham, Fig; Leander, Adelaide, Lenora.

The face flickers rapidly switching between Ominis and Sebastian. Ominis Sebastian. OminisSebastianOminisSebastianOminisSebastian.

Nox, the horrified look on my brother's face stayed cracks growing finer. No, no, no. My hands tried to keep him together only for my touch to cause him to Shatter.

Shattering, everything shattering.


I gasped waking up next to Poppy, her face looking down to mine.

"Are you alright?" She murmured, "You were starting to panic." I watched her mouth open to speak but words wouldn't come out. What had I seen? I slowly sat up seeing more of Poppy now that my mind began to focus. Poppy sitting on my bed, her lamp on.

"Y-Yeah..." I rasped out, letting out a shaky sigh, "Thank you for waking me Poppy." She smiled at me, hand reached to rub along my back.

"You're welcome. Think you can go back to sleep or would you rather stay up and study with me?" She asked softly, "We can go down to the Common Room."

"Y-Yeah... Yeah the Common Room sounds nice." I lifted the sheets off and started to slip out of bed.

What did I have to do? Papers. Twenty Inches for Potions Homework, Twelve for History of Magic. I had star charts I needed to study, Ancient Runes to translate. So much to do.

I started gathering up my things Poppy grabbing the books she had splayed out on her bed and her lamp.

Another night to spend studying the night away, what to do first. I didn't fancy doing my Potions assignment, I'd much rather translate those ruins. It felt natural and easy for me to do.

I spoke softly to her as we made our way down the stairs spotting Arthur Plummly sitting at the couch by the fire.

"Oh Arthur you're up as well!" Poppy smiled wide at him. He looked up from his book, eyes widening with those thick lens glasses.

"Oh! Hi girls, yeah! Couldn't sleep so thought I'd study for my Numerology and Xylomancy exams." Arthur had changed a bit, his voice evening out not as nasally or sharp, his hair cropped close to his head; still incredibly tall and now just a bit broader in stature.

He had also taken up a Prefect title for this year when offered. Still having to sleep in the Common Room dorms until his Seventh Year when he'd move to shared quarters with other male Seventh Year Prefects. There were about Six Prefects per house, one boy and one girl from each year; Five through Seven.

"Oh do you mind if we join you? Ada couldn't sleep and we wanted to study and do Homework!" Poppy sounded too chipper for it being as late as it was.

"Go on ahead, can't say no to some company." He motioned to the empty couch while he relaxed back into his chair, eyes roaming over the assigned Divination Book

Poppy settled down on the couch opening up her books and I settled in on the floor in front of the low table to use it as a writing desk. I flipped open my Runes Tome and started my work in silence with the other two.

Legacy Undone: Sebastian/MC/OminisWhere stories live. Discover now