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I couldn't help the mass of nerves forming in my stomach. Sebastian had helped me dress for this interview with the Quibbler and The Daily Prophet. He had reassured me that I looked fine. Even straightening out my tie and making sure my blazer was properly buttoned up.

All I could think of is how I would get letters from my family, for once, asking what the bloody hell I was thinking. I was thinking I could have a normal school year, perhaps ask the girl of my dreams out.

No, no that would be too simple. Some bellend decided to put my name into the Goblet, decided it would be a funny joke. I started to rub the palms of my hands over my face when someone smacked at them.

Anastasia murmured quickly, "Stop that... Really you'll ruin your complexion." She was quickly becoming my least favorite, she was quite literally insane. going as far as to force my posture straight and using her fan to tilt my chin up. She pitied me, as did Henri.

"You're an Heir of Slytherin!" She scolded me, "You should hold yourself like it, not like you're some creature trying to stay in the shadows." She paid attention to the finer details, details Sebastian had missed when helping me get ready.

She fixed my collar, and folded over my sleeve cuffs properly.

"You sound like my Mother." I started to get annoyed.

"You should listen to your mother." She quipped back, flattening the cloth on my shoulders.

"I'd rather die." I spat, Anastasia didn't move away from me. Still fussing over every little thing.

"You may get your wish." Henri stated, "These trials aren't easy, especially not for one... Lacking in sight."

"It's blind, I'm blind. You can say it, I know I have a greater disadvantage over the two of you." I felt at the small table beside me and leaned back against it, swatting Anastasias' hands away.

"Leave me damnit, I'm not a doll!"

"You must look presentable! You're representing the lineage of Slytherin himself!" She was obsessed with the Durmstrang founder, and looked up to him as a remarkable and powerful wizard.

"I hope the Bastard rolls in his grave." I hissed out and I heard her gasp and Henri laughed.

"Alright! Alright, enough choice words!" Headmaster Black entered the Astronomy platform, "Keep the language proper Mr. Gaunt! I would also appreciate it if you did not mention the happenstance of you joining the tournament." He kept the last part low.

"Of course Headmaster. I shall be sure to keep my anger to a simmer and what of my frustration shall I temper that as well?" I sneered, arms crossing. I heard Black sigh indignantly.

"Just be polite." I heard his footsteps walk off, "I'm off to get the Photographers, then I'll send in one interviewer at a time."

When Black left us I stopped my leaning.

"Back straight!" Anastasia hissed at me, her fan swatting my back.

"Dammit woman! Stop." I couldn't wait to leave, the fact I was missing my first day of classes was aggravating.

"I'll stop when I'm not worried about you gaining a hunch! You're a handsome boy but you're ruining it with your demeanor and posture!"

"I don't care if I get a hunch."

"Oh and I guess the girl that escorted you up to The Goblet won't either?" Her sarcasm was thick. My lips pursed, no I suppose Ada wouldn't like it if I gained a hunch.

Legacy Undone: Sebastian/MC/OminisWhere stories live. Discover now