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I arose early in the morning to get ready for detention, not bothering with the school robes as I figured Professor Sharp would have us do some hard manual labor. Ominis sat at his desk, fingers running over the braille dressed down for the day.

"I can't believe Professor Sharp wants me to write twelve inches on the uses of Troll Boogie." He wasn't too pleased to be reading about it.

"Again writing about it is better than having to use it." I stated, fixing up my tie then rolling my cuffs up to my elbows, "And it's extra credit to be sure you pass this class."

"I much rather be practicing my spell work." Ominis murmured.

"Yes we'll you're a step behind me with your wand combat." I drew out a breath, stepping behind him to mess up his hair.

"Hey! Hey, Sebastian fuck off it takes me ages to do my hair!" I couldn't help but laugh as he smacked at me with his book,

"Be happy you're in Sharps' good graces. I'm sure he won't be happy to see me again so soon." I stepped away, fixing up my tie, watching my friend try to fix his hair.

"I'll see you at dinner, try and save me a seat."

"That I will, you insufferable twit." It was all in good fun of course, he gave up trying to fix it and went back to reading. I hummed a soft tune making my way out of the common rooms and through the relatively quiet halls. Everyone was still asleep at this hour, my steps bounced off the walls of the castle, making my way up the stairs, just outside the great hall then to the right towards the kitchens.

Perhaps I could grab something from the kitchens before she showed up the last step down. I saw the fruit portrait swing open and saw her step out holding pastries in each hand.

"Well, I must say you beat me to it. I was planning on grabbing something for us." She glanced at me and smiled, walking over.

"I was rather hungry and my friend Deek heard I was going to detention today so he set aside some pastries for me to grab. Which do you want? Cherry or Lemon?" She held the two out, small brown papers wrapped around their bottoms.

"I've always been a fan of Cherry." I took the Cherry pastries from her and took a bite, letting out a hum. "Thank you for grabbing me one. I'm starving."

She chuckled, taking a bite from hers, "I figured they don't serve breakfast yet and we have to report to detention before it's available. She started up the stairs and I quickly followed after, watching her walk up ahead of me.

"Shouldn't I be the one leading us to it?" I wiped off the cherry filling from my cheek and sucked it from my thumb.

"You can lead once we get up these stairs." She still had her hair braided back showing off that scar on her face. Though it wasn't as neat as the one I did for her at Hogsmeade it seemed she took my words to heart.

I finished off the pastry once we got up the steps and grabbed her hand to lead her off towards the castle entrance.

"You don't have to lead me by my hand!" She whined softly, "I feel like a child."

"Professor Sharp gets testy if we're late." I wasn't lying about that but I really just wanted to hold her hand, it really wasn't as soft as I'd imagine it being. She had the hands of someone who worked but that was fine, I didn't care about stuff like that. I only cared that she was following me and that I could touch her hand without questions arising.

Once we were going down the stairs to the Dungeon, she started speaking again.

"Ominis was quite angry at me yesterday after I left." Her voice was soft.

Legacy Undone: Sebastian/MC/OminisWhere stories live. Discover now