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It had been some time since winter break and what had happened. Sebastian had grown distant, attempting to get in contact with his sister and now I had twenty inches to write on Dittany and its uses. Right as I was about to leave through the door, planning to make my way to the green houses. I heard a familiar gate, though now with different shoes on. Perhaps Ada had bought a new pair? She was coming right towards me, so I turned to her direction.


"Mr. Gaunt!" That was not Ada, and the sounds of those steps did not sound how Headmaster Black walked.

"Headmaster Black, good evening."

"Where may you be off to?" He questioned.

"Well sir I was going out-"

"Typical student, lazing about when one should be working." The Headmaster never talked to me like this, he was quick but never rude to me. Mainly because of my pure blood status and my lineage to Salazar Slytherin. My brows furrowed, I would like to know why Ada was impersonating the Headmaster.

"I'm actually going to the Greenhouse to work on a report on Dittany and its uses."

"Ah, yes right! Paired with Bubotuber Pus makes a fine mustache paste."

"Mustache Paste? Sir, are you feeling alright?' I didn't plan to rat her out with others around us, this could be an offense great enough for expulsion.

"Mr. Gaunt if I wanted a medical diagnosis I would go to St. Mungos. Now where is my blasted house elf!" I heard him walk off, not him. I was very sure with the sound of the walk let out on the marble flooring that it was in fact Ada.

I was silent, then followed far enough behind that she wouldn't notice me but close enough that I could hear other conversations. All of which involved her asking for the whereabouts of the house elf Scrope.

Even when she found the elf, she did a terrible job of acting like the Headmaster. Hearing her burp and her pace quicken. I followed her up the stairs to the great hall storage rafters. Then grabbed her wrist.

"Ominis- Mr. Gaunt! How dare-"

"Drop the act Ada, I know it's you."

"W-What? H- I have no idea what you're talking about!" Her voice shifted from the headmasters to her own mid sentence. Her wrists change in my grip, a much more delicate feeling than the headmasters.

"Yeah... You know you're awfully terrible at impersonating people." I heard her burp one more time.

"Oh Merlin... That after taste is terrible." She whined and I couldn't help but snort. My thumb rubbed along her wrist.

"Mind telling me why you're impersonating a faculty member? Please tell me it's something worth getting expelled over?"

"It has to do with the Trials I told you about..."

"Of course it does and why?"

"I needed the password to the headmaster's tower." I sighed, hand going to rub over my temple.

"Ada... I know the password, really you couldn't have just asked around for it?" She was silent, "Though I suppose since you already got it out of Scrope you won't need my help."

"Yep! Right! It's um... It's... Tarje pur?" I could almost feel my soul leave me at her terrible pronunciation and failure to even say the correct words.

"It's Toujours Pur, really Ada. We need to work on your French pronunciation."

"Ominis, I don't even speak French." She sounded a bit annoyed now.

"I do, never too late to learn."

"You speak French?" She sounded surprised, "Never mind, how do you know the password?"

I grimace, "Professor Black has been asked by my parents to keep an eye on me and to instill proper Pure Blood ideals." I let a scoff leave me, "The man just randomly summons me to his office to go out on a tirade about blood purity and how I have a duty as an Heir of Slytherin to upkeep that purity."

"That sounds awful Ominis."

"I usually just fall asleep in a chair, I'm pretty sure he doesn't notice at all." I heard her giggle softly,

"You mean like how you fall asleep on the floor during our History class?" My cheeks were burning,
"That is not my fault, Professor Binns bores us all to death." I was hesitant to let go of her wrist, my hand slid to hold hers.

"Ada... Listen could we."
"I'm sorry Ominis I'm in a bit of a hurry, Professor Fig is distracting Headmaster Black for me and I need to get the trial done before they return."

"Right, of course... Remember it's Toujours Pur." I repeated to her.

"Toujours Pur." She repeated back.

"Good. I'll leave you to whatever trial you have." I felt her hand squeeze my hand.

"Thank you and I'll see you later, hopefully it won't take the entire day."

"Even if it does you're welcome to visit me in my common room or we can even sneak out to the Undercroft." I offered.

"I'll think about it." She murmured, I felt her hand slip away and heard her steps echo off until all that was left was the sound of students chatting at the tables below. Her touch always burned a remnant into my skin. I could still feel the callouses on her hands, how she squeezed mine. I could hear a faint echo of her giggle and how mischievous she was.

Sebastian didn't deserve her, not with all that he's done but she was still hopelessly attached to him. Still so hopeful he'd eventually apologize. I raised my hand up and caught the scent of vanilla. Something so soft but potent, she had worn perfume today.

A sigh escaped my lips, I was truly wrapped tight around her finger. I would do anything she asked of me, I would go onto my knees and discard my name sake for her. I would no longer be Ominis Gaunt, I would be whoever she wanted me to be, if it meant I could stay by her side. 


Authors' Note: A rather short Chapter this time, I felt I had been neglecting Ominis. I hope you all enjoy it.

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