Chapter 28 journeys end

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The tv resumed

(The Doctor has golden energy streaming from his hands and head, and he, Jack and Rose believe he is regenerating. With an effort, the Doctor turns and points both hands towards his spare hand in the jar by the time console. It absorbs it and he is released.)
DOCTOR: Now then. Where were we?
(Donna, Jack and Rose are stunned.)
I think everyone is shocked and confused sweetie river said laughing
[Sarah Jane's car]

DALEKS: Exterminate! Exterminate!
(Suddenly, two figures with honking big guns appear either side of the car and blast the Daleks.)
SARAH: Mickey?
MICKEY: Us Smiths got to stick together!
JACKIE: Jackie Tyler, Rose's mum. Now where the hell is my daughter?
Go Jackie I yelled laughing with rose

(Gwen and Ianto empty their machinegun clips at the Dalek, who isn't shooting back. When they stop, they see the bullets hanging in midair. Gwen touches the air and it ripples like water.)
GWEN: What the hell?
Wow I said staring at jack confused
The Doctor checks on his glowing spare hand.)
DOCTOR: There now.
(He blows on the jar and the glowing stops.)
DOCTOR: You see? Used the regeneration energy to heal myself, but soon as I was done, I didn't need to change. I didn't want to. Why would I? Look at me. So, to stop the energy going all the way, I siphoned off the rest into a handy bio-matching receptacle, namely my hand. My hand there. My handy spare hand. Remember? Christmas Day, Sycorax. Lost my hand in a sword fight? That's my hand.
You have spare hands graham said looking horrified making me laugh fondly
What do you think?
ROSE: You're still you?
DOCTOR: I'm still me.
(The Doctor and Rose hug. Donna turns to Jack.)
DONNA: You can hug me, if you want. No, really. You can hug me.
Oh Donna Martha said grinning and hugging her

(Ianto is checking the data banks.)
IANTO: It's a Time Lock. The ultimate defence programme. Tosh was working on it. Never thought she finished it, but she did. The Hub's sealed in a time bubble. Nothing can get in.
GWEN: But that means we can't get out.
IANTO: Nope. Not without unlocking that Dalek. We're trapped inside. It's all up to Jack now.
Yeah jack get to work I said smirking at him making river poke me hard ow I yelled

(The Tardis is in the middle of a litter-strewn street, surrounded by four Daleks.)
DALEK: Report. Tardis has been located.
Uh not good guys bill said making yaz snort hmm they get on well
[Dalek spaceship]

RED DALEK: Bring it here. Bring the Doctor to me! Initiate temporal prison.


(The four Daleks create a shining blue energy ring around the Tardis.)
DALEK: Temporal prison initiated.


(The power goes out.)
DOCTOR: They've got us. Power's gone. Some kind of chronon loop.
(The Tardis tilts with a jerk.)


(Sarah, Jackie and Mickey hide behind an abandoned van.)
DALEK: Transferring Tardis to the Crucible.
(The Tardis is lifted away by an energy beam up into the space between the planets.)
SARAH: Those teleport things. Can we use them? If they've taken the Doctor to the Dalek spaceship, then that's where we need to be.
MICKEY: It's not just a teleport, it's a dimension jump. Man, this thing rips a hole in the fabric of space.
SARAH: But can we use it?
MICKEY: Not yet. It burns up energy. Needs half an hour between jumps.
SARAH: Then put down your guns.
MICKEY: Do what?
SARAH: If you're carrying a gun, they'll shoot you dead.
(Sarah steps out into the street.)
SARAH: Daleks, I surrender.
DALEK: All humans in this sector will be taken to the Crucible.
MICKEY: She's bloody mad!
JACKIE: Yeah, but Mickey, if they've got the Doctor, then they've got Rose.
(Jackie puts down her gun and walks out.)
JACKIE: And us. We surrender.
(Mickey kisses his gun then follows.)
Oh lord that could of gone wrong so bad I said to river I know she said looking shocked
[Francine's home]

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