Chapter 63 the gift part 1

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We all changed seats I was sat beside river and rose Sarah was sat with Amy and Clara my family all getting on I was happy the screen lit up again it said the gift

(A fat boy is being chased by Sarah Jane, Clyde, Rani and Luke.)
Oh I remember this Sarah said sharing a look with Luke both looking sad hmm
CLYDE: There he is.
SARAH JANE: Don't let him get away.
So the running is a thing then Dan said making everyone nod all the time rani said laughing
(They run around a corner, and he has vanished.)
LUKE: That's impossible.
SARAH JANE: No, it isn't.
God she's older than you lot and still smarter I said making her glare at me what I said trying to look innocent
[Storage area]

SARAH JANE: He's got to be in here somewhere.
RANI: He's just a kid. What does he want with a what's it called?
LUKE: Matter compressor.
CLYDE: Maybe he wants some matter compressed?
Seriously I heard yaz say making clyde grin
SARAH JANE: Whatever his reason, the Pharos Institute need it back. Split up.
(Luke and Clyde head off down one row of boxed up washing machines, Sarah Jane and Rani down another. They hear a noise like breaking wind.)
CLYDE: Did you hear that?
LUKE: It can't be.
(A green light shines out.)
CLYDE: It is. The Slitheen, they're back!
Oh my god that's freaky Clara said wait you've dealt with those before rose said looking shocked all the time Luke said making rani and Clyde laugh
(The green Slitheen child knocks them over.)
CLYDE: Oi! Get off me.
SARAH JANE: Are you okay?
CLYDE: Don't worry about us, where did it go?


SARAH JANE: If Slitheen are back on Earth it means mayhem on a global scale.
LUKE: What do they want this time?
SARAH JANE: Oh, the same as usual, I imagine. Convert our planet into cash.
RANI: Then how do we find it?
CLYDE: We'd need a bloodhound.
SARAH JANE: Oh, why didn't I think of that? (Sarah Jane takes a whistle out of her pocket, and blows it.)
Are you doing what I think you are doing I said staring at Sarah grinning obviously she said making Luke laugh
[Sarah Jane's car]

K9: Mistress.
(The car door opens.)
K9: Activating hover mode.


DAVE: What are you doing out of your disguise?
CHRIS: Can't run in human skin. It's too tight. Needed to lose them.
DAVE: Lose who?
CHRIS: Give you one guess.
DAVE: Sarah Jane Smith. I wondered how long it'd be till she shoved her oar in.
Aren't they delightful rose said laughing
CHRIS: Yeah, but I got away. And I nabbed the matter compressor.
DAVE: We wouldn't have had to steal one if you hadn't sat on ours. Now, nothing can stop us from turning this scuzzy little planet into a massive money-spinner.
(He adds the matter compressor to a large collection of wires and bits, and turns it on.)
DAVE: And so it begins.
Why do they always think they can take out planet rani said that's a good question I said grinning

K9: Greetings, Mistress.
SARAH JANE: We need you to follow a trail, K9.
CLYDE: He can smell? How?
K9: Psychospore and olfactory sensors.
CLYDE: Yeah, yeah, that clears that up.
SARAH JANE: We're looking for a Slitheen.
K9: Alien pheromone detected, Mistress. Trail leads in this direction.


DAVE: Give me a visual.
(The image zooms in on West London.)
DAVE: Initialise compression web.
(The boy Slitheen moves a control and the power goes off.)
DAVE: Not that one, idiot.
(They power back up.)
CHRIS: Compression web initialised.
DAVE: Very soon the Slitheen will be the richest family in the galaxy.
(The countdown starts at 100.)
God they are weird Dan said graham agreeing

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