Chapter 35 war of the sontarans

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The tv lit up and said war of the sontarans

(The Cloister Bell tolls. The Doctor has a black and white vision of a crumbling house above dead trees.
She wakes up lying on desolate ground with the Tardis parked nearby. There are barrels, bits of gun carriage and a dead horse here.)
What the hell is that bill said pointing at the creepy house
DOCTOR: End of the universe. But we're still here. Wherever here is.
YASMIN: Doctor.
DOCTOR: Yaz. Is Dan with you?
DAN: I'm here. I just blacked out. Last thing I remember, we were on your Tardis, that Flux thing was coming at us, and then...nothing.
YASMIN: Me too. I think. I was on the ground over there. We must've been thrown out.
DOCTOR: Must have been. Where are we?
(She goes over to a body in a red military jacket and scans it.)
DAN: Is she always like this?
YASMIN: Pretty much.
I laid my head into rivers chest feeling a weird sensation in my stomach
DOCTOR: If I had to call it, we're back on Earth, which meant the Lupari shield worked, but the TARDIS took a hit.
YASMIN: Looks like we're in the middle of a battlefield, which could mean...
MARY: Hey. Get away from him. Show me your hands. What did you take? Show me.
DAN: We didn't take anything. I know what goes on out here. Vultures emptying the pockets of the dead. What...? Who are you? Where you from?
DOCTOR: I'm the Doctor. This is Yaz. This is Dan. Nice to meet you. We were tracking for signs of life.
I liked her I said to river quietly hearing her hum
MARY: Sure. Doctor is a man's term.
DOCTOR: It's fluid.
MARY: Sentry patrol. All of them dead. It's too late for medical aid. But you're too close to the front to be with Mrs Nightingale. She won't come this close to Sebastopol. How long have you been here?
DOCTOR: Sebastopol. 1850s. Orientated. I know where we are. Crimean War, 1855, Ottoman Empire weakening, British soldiers fighting Russians.
MARY: What?
DAN: We're in the middle of the Crimean War?
DOCTOR: But that would make you Mary Seacole. Are you? You are, aren't you?
MARY: Mrs Seacole to you. Doctress to the fallen.
Doctress Amy said snorting making me pout
YASMIN: Everybody, shh, shh. Listen.
MARY: It's enemy soldiers. Back up, back up.
(Taking cover.)
DOCTOR: Where in the battle are we? How many Russian troops are the British fighting? What's happening in Sebastopol?
MARY: What's this word you keep using? Russians. They're not fighting Russians. They're fighting Sontarans.
I don't think that ever happened in history river said looking concerned
SKAAK: Taste the victory, my soldiers. Breathe in the rotting stench of our vanquished foes. Onwards, to domination. Sontar-Ha!
ARMY: Sontar-ha! Sontar-ha! Sontar-ha! Sontar-ha!
Well that's disgusting bill said making me smile fondly at her

(Vinder wakes up on the stone floor. A diamond-shaped drone flies towards him.)
TRIANGLE: Are you response? Can you repair?
VINDER: Can I what?
TRIANGLE: Can you repair?
VINDER: W-w-where am I?
TRIANGLE: Can you repair? Respond.
VINDER: I need to make contact with my home planet. There's been a mass extinction event near where I was stationed.
TRIANGLE: We are aware.The Flux impacted the inner temple. Can you repair?
VINDER: Repair what?
TRIANGLE: Follow. Follow. This was not foreseen. Priest Triangles are only guardians. We maintain and serve. The impact of the Flux event was too great.
What the hell rose said confused
[Inner temple]

TRIANGLE: The Temple is compromised. The Mouri must never be compromised. Do you see? Do you see the Mouri?
(Humanoid figures suddenly appear, then two flicker in and out.)
Oh my river said shocked

DOCTOR: Thank you for getting us out of there safely, Mrs Seacole.
MARY: I know every safe avenue on and off of this battlefield. I have to stay alive if I'm going to nurse these men back to health.
DAN: You're an army nurse?
MARY: Oh, no. I work for myself. I'm the closest nurse to the front.
YASMIN: And this is your hospital?
MARY: This is much more than a hospital, child. This is my British Hotel.
DAN: So let me just get this straight. She's like a real person from history?
DOCTOR: You just talked to her, didn't you?
Stop being mardy river said poking me
DAN: And those Sontaran things, they're not part of history, were they?
DOCTOR: No. She should be here. They shouldn't.
YASMIN: Could this be connected to the Flux? Is history being rewritten?
DOCTOR: Dan, are you okay?
DAN: Are you seeing that?
(Dan's right hand is glowing light blue.)
DOCTOR: Stay still, Dan.
(Now all of Dan is glowing and fading.)
DAN: What's happening to me?
DOCTOR: Ah! Dan!
(He has vanished.)
YASMIN: Doctor. You're fading.
(Yasmin is starting to glow.)
DOCTOR: A collision between Flux and Vortex energy. You're falling through Space and Time. Yaz, stay calm. I will find you.
YASMIN: Promise?
DOCTOR: I promise!
(Yasmin vanishes.)
I'm sorry yaz I said facing her you kept your promise doctor she said smiling softly

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