Chapter 41 A town called mercy

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WOMAN [OC]: When I was a child, my favourite story was about a man who lived forever, but whose eyes were heavy with the weight of all he'd seen. A man who fell from the stars.
This is a bow tie one i said to Dan oh he said
(Night. A small satellite arrives, and its observer gets the instruction 'Terminate'. So he does.)
MAS: I knew you'd find me eventually.
(Kahler-Mas. Terminate.)
GUNSLINGER: Make peace with your gods.
MAS: Once they were your gods, too.
GUNSLINGER: Not any more.
(The man turns his back and reaches for his space weapon. The Gunslinger shoots him. We now see that he is a Cyborg with a cybernetic eye, a gun arm - literally - and a penchant for gunslinger clothes.)
MAN: Am I, am I the last one?
GUNSLINGER: There's one more. The Doctor.
What everyone said at once except me Rory and Amy

(The Old West of the USA. The Doctor stands just outside the entrance to Main Street, in front of a wooden frame with a cattle skull on it, a Keep Out sign and the residents count recently changed from 80 to 81.)
DOCTOR: Mercy. Eighty one residents.
(Now we see he is not alone.)
AMY: Look at this. It's a load of stones and lumps of wood. What is it?
DOCTOR: A load of stones and lumps of wood.
Your so weird Clara said grinning
(The Gunslinger is watching from a distance.)
RORY: The sign does say Keep Out.
DOCTOR: I see Keep Out signs as suggestions more than actual orders, like Dry Clean only.
I don't even know what to say to that river said laughing
(They step over the load of stones and lumps of wood that circle the town and head down the street, towards the Grand Central Bank. The residents watch silently. An electric street lamp outside the Post Office sparks.)
DOCTOR: That's not right.
RORY: It's a street lamp.
DOCTOR: An electric street lamp about ten years too early.
Interesting rose said
RORY: It's only a few years out.
DOCTOR: That's what you said when you left your phone charger in Henry the Eighth's en-suite.
What Martha and Donna said laughing
AMY: Doctor, er
DOCTOR: Anachronistic electricity, Keep Out signs, aggressive stares. Has someone been peeking at my Christmas list?
AMY: Doctor.
(He starts chewing on a toothpick and walks on.)
You two look so done bill said laughing

(The piano playing and the conversations stop dead when our trio walk in. The Doctor goes to the bar.)
DOCTOR: Tea. But the strong stuff. Leave the bag in.
You do realise it's not a cafe sweetie river said laughing rude I muttered pouting
SADIE: What're you doing here, son?
DOCTOR: Son? You can stay.
(An African American in a natty black suit speaks.)
PREACHER: Sir, might I enquire who you is?
DOCTOR: Of course. I'm the Doctor. This is
(Everyone stands up.)
DOCTOR: No need to stand. You see that? Manners. Oh, thank you.
(A man in a top hat starts measuring the Doctor.)
DOCTOR: But I don't need a new suit.
I dont think it's a new outfit he's measuring you for jack said shaking his head at me
ABRAHAM: I'm the undertaker, sir.
(A younger man in a brown suit and bowler hat steps forward. I'm guessing at the character name. It might be Dockery instead.)
WALTER: I got a question. Is you an alien?
DOCTOR: Well, er, bit personal. It's all relative, isn't it? I mean, I think you're the aliens, but in this context, yes. Yes, I suppose I am.
Still rude I whispered to Clara making her poke me

(The Doctor is hoisted up and carried out shoulder high.)
(Amy and Rory are dragged along too.)
AMY: Doctor! Put him down!
SADIE: Don't think we won't kill you.
RORY: Leave him alone!
DOCTOR: Rory, everything is completely under control.
It looks it spaceman Donna said looking very worried
Guys, guys, guys.
(They throw the Doctor out of town. Literally.)
(When he turns around, they all point their revolvers at him. The Gunslinger suddenly appears in the distance.)
PREACHER: He's coming. Oh God, he's coming.
What the hell river said glaring at the screen
WALTER: Preacher, say something.
PREACHER: Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
(The Doctor turns around to see the Cyborg approaching by dimension jumps. He is scared.)
PREACHER: Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done.
(A mustachioed man fires a shot in the air. Ben Browder, everyone.)
ISAAC: You, bow tie. Get back across that line.
At least someone had decency yaz said angrily
(He pulls back his coat to reveal a six pointed metal star with the word Marshal on it.)
(The Doctor steps over the rocks and wood, and the Cyborg stops then vanishes.)
WALTER: Isaac, he said he was a doctor. An alien doctor.
ISAAC: That a reason to hand him to his death?
WALTER: Isaac, it could be him.
ISAAC: You know it ain't.
(Isaac walks back down the street, nodding to Amy.)
ISAAC: Ma'am.
WALTER: Just letting him go like that? Be seeing you, boy.
I don't like him river muttered
[Marshal's Office]

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