Chapter 12 army of ghosts

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The Daleks have landed and are trundling across the floor.)
DALEKS: Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate!
ROSE: Daleks! You're called Daleks. I know your name. Think about it how can I know that? A human who knows about the Daleks and the Time War. If you want to know how, then keep us alive. That's all I'm asking. Me and my friends.
MICKEY: Yeah, Daleks. Time War. Me too.
RAJESH: Yeah. And me.
BLACK DALEK: You will be necessary. Report. What is the status of the Genesis Ark?
(The four Daleks have a contraption behind them.)
DALEK: Status, hibernation.
BLACK DALEK: Commence awakening. The Genesis Ark must be protected above all else.
MICKEY: The Daleks. You said they were all dead.
ROSE: Never mind that. What the hell's a Genesis Ark?

[Yvonne's office]

JACKIE: What's down there? She was in that room with the sphere. What's happened to Rose?
DOCTOR: I don't know. I'll find her. I brought you here, I'll get you both out, you and your daughter. Jackie, look at me. Look at me. I promise you. I give you my word.
CYBERLEADER: You will talk to your central world authority and order global surrender.
YVONNE: Oh, do some research. We haven't got a central world authority.
CYBERLEADER: You have now. I will speak on all global wavelengths. This broadcast is for human kind.
(The Doctor puts on his 3D spectacles.)
CYBERLEADER [on TV]: Cybermen now occupy every land mass on this planet, but you need not fear. Cybermen will remove fear. Cybermen will remove sex and class and colour and creed. You will become identical. You will become like us.
(Panic stations. The army sets up roadblocks and tries shooting at the Cybermen. A bazooka blows a Cyberman to bits. London burns.)
CYBERLEADER: I ordered surrender.
DOCTOR: They're not taking instructions. Don't you understand? You're on every street, you're in their homes, you've got their children! Of course they're going to fight.
Oh my gosh Martha said shocked
BLACK DALEK: Which of you is least important?
ROSE: What's that supposed to mean?
BLACK DALEK: Which of you is least important?
ROSE: No, we don't work like that. None of us.
BLACK DALEK: Designate the least important!
RAJESH: This is my responsibility.
ROSE: No, you don't.
RAJESH: I er, I represent the Torchwood Institute. Anything you need, you come through me. Leave these two alone.
BLACK DALEK: You will kneel.
RAJESH: What for?
(Rajesh kneels with his back to the Black Dalek.)
BLACK DALEK: The Daleks need information about current Earth history.
RAJESH: Yeah, well, I can give you a certain amount of intelligence but nothing that will compromise Homeland security.
BLACK DALEK: Speech is not necessary. We will extract brainwaves.
(Three Dalek sink plungers envelop Rajesh's head.)
RAJESH: Don't I I'll tell you everything you need. No. No!
(He screams.)

[Lever room]

CYBERLEADER: Scans detect unknown technology active within Sphere chamber.
CYBERMAN: Cybermen will investigate.
CYBERLEADER: Units ten six five and ten six six will investigate Sphere chamber.
CYBERMEN: We obey.

[Sphere laboratory]

(The dry, dusty and rapidly aged corpse of Rajesh drops to the floor.)
BLACK DALEK: His mind spoke of a second species invading Earth infected by the superstition of ghosts.
ROSE: You didn't need to kill him!
DALEK 3: Neither did we need him alive.
BLACK DALEK: Dalek Thay, investigate outside.
DALEK 2: I obey.
(Note- each Dalek has a slightly different logo by its eyestalk.)

[Yvonne's office]

CYBERLEADER: Units open visual link.
(A Cyberman's view comes up on Yvonne's laptop.)
CYBERLEADER: Visual contact established.

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