Chapter 71 the giggle

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So this is what i use to look like before this face i said to ruby quietly she just nodded shes taking this surprisingly easy
Soho 1925 (The Emporium)]
(A man enters from the rain.)
TOYMAKER: Ah! Guten Tag, guten Tag! Kommen into the warm. It is ge-raining, is it not? All of the water all splishy-splashy. Now, what can I helpen Sie mit? Behold, we have everything, everything you could be ge-wanten. We have dolls. Such beautiful pink-faced dollen, ja? We have the compendium of games, mit the dice und the snaken und ladders, und the rules. They are very, very importanten, these rules, don't you think? Also, we have the teddy bears und the hobbyhorsen - who does not want a hobbyhorsen to go clippity-clop down the Strasse, ja?
Thats creepy rose said i smirked at her teasingly
CHARLES: No. I just want this, really.
(A ventriloquist's dummy.)
TOYMAKER: Ah! Stooky Bill! Meine favouriten. But you will leave the family all alone. Poor Stooky Sue and the poor Stooky Babbies. You would leave them without Papa? The widow und the orphans will be ge-crying.
What the hell clara said staring at the screen in utter disgust
CHARLES: Er... No, just... just him, thank you. Is that real hair?
TOYMAKER: Ja. Ja. I was ge-sticking on the hair mein self. I cut it off the head of a beautiful lady. She will not miss it. But then... ..she will never miss anything ever again. (musical laugh)
Ok he sounds crazy ryan said i stared at donna both of us wide eyed
CHARLES: And... and how much is that?
(Having wrapped the dummy, the Toymaker stops being German.)
TOYMAKER: Sixpence. I really must apologise for the rain. You must be used to sunnier climes.
Wrong accent martha said shaking her head
CHARLES: I was born in Cheltenham. Your accent seems to have slipped.
TOYMAKER: (Germanic) I hope the kiddies enjoy him.
CHARLES: It's not for children. It's for my employer. You may have heard of him. He only lives around the corner. Mr John Logie Baird.
TOYMAKER: Oh, the inventor man. Wunderbar. What is he being inventing now?
CHARLES: Well, it's complicated. It's a new thing... called television.
TOYMAKER: Well, what a game we are playing. What a wonderful, wonderful game.
(The musical laugh as Charles leaves.)
Why do you always find creepy things rory said making me laugh loudly name one i said staring at rory smirking fine the weird creepy amy dolls he said making me laugh and amy punch him
[22 Frith Street]

(Stooky Bill's head is pulled off.)
BAIRD: Poor wee Stooky. That's a Scottish word. Do you know what stooky means? It comes from stucco, as in plaster, but it's come to mean stupid and slow. Like Billy Boy's an idiot. But he can't be that daft. He's about to make history.
(The painted head is stuck in front of a screen. The two men go into the next room.)
BAIRD: Ready now?
CHARLES: I think so.
BAIRD: May God go with us.
(Lights on, the disc with holes in starts spinning. Baird watches as the first transmitted image appears on a screen.)
Certainly not god donna said flinching slightly
BAIRD: I did it, Charlie! I did it! The very first television picture.
(Stooky's hair starts to burn.)
CHARLES: How hot is it in there? Not going to catch fire, are we?
BAIRD: That's why we need Stooky Bill. No man could sit underneath that temperature. Problem is, it could be a photograph. If I'm to prove television works, I'll need a moving image.
(Stooky's jaw drops.)
BAIRD: I got quite the shock!
CHARLES: Me too!
BAIRD: Imagine if he could talk.
(That musical laugh again.)
BAIRD: That wee chap's about to change the world. Imagine what he would say.
Oh god thats actually scary bill said jumping
[Soho today]

(Utter chaos. The Doctor intervenes when a man steps out in front of a taxi, fists clenched.)
DOCTOR: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Excuse me. Can you tell me, what are you doing?
Thats me i said facing ruby i know she said smiling softly how i said confused the eyes she said softly. Why do you sound like your asking a child why they did something bad clara said laughing well he was being stupid i said crossing my arms
MAN: I can't drive.
DOCTOR: Okay, so... Which means...?
MAN: I pay my taxes, which means I've paid for this road. It is mine, and I will do with it what I like.
I mean hes sorta right rose said making me laugh
DOCTOR: You'll get yourself killed.
MAN: It's my life, not yours.
(In the background, a man in top hat and tails with a cane is dancing through the mayhem.)
DOCTOR: You could...just stand over there and be safe.
MAN: Blame them! Because it all changed two days ago. Everyone started thinking they're right, all the time, and they won't change their mind. If you try to argue, they go mad. Well, not me. I've always been right.
What the hells going on then river said looking intrigued
(The Doctor gets out of the way and the dancer bumps into him.)
TOYMAKER: Excusez-moi, monsieur. Je suis terrible. But perhaps you will dance avec moi. Ooh-la-la!
Are you always like this ruby said staring at me what i said offended well theres chaos on the street and you dont even think to question why theres a man dancing with a german accent she said arms folded i heard amy and river laughing well i was confused i said pouting making ruby laugh with rose
DOCTOR: Er, sorry. Thanks. (Donna is nearby with a wheelchair when armoured vehicles come screeching round the corner.)
LOUDHAILER: Attention, the Doctor! Attention, the Doctor! Stay where you are. You are under UNIT control. Repeat, UNIT control.
SOLDIERS: Go, go, go! Line up. Quick, muster.
Oh god please say they are good clara said nervously i laughed with donna
IBRAHIM: Doctor? I'm Colonel Ibrahim of UNIT Squad 5. If you could come with us.
DONNA: Get him to safety. All right? Never mind about us. I want my grandad safe. All right, you got that?
IBRAHIM: Yes, ma'am. We'll keep your family safe.
Still cant believe they listened to me donna said making me grin why not earth girl you are the most important person in the universe i said making her blush
WILF: You go with the Doctor.
(The Toymaker waves bye, bye.
The Doctor, Donna and the Tardis are flown by helicopter to...)

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