Chapter 2

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chapter 2

    The sudden thunderstorm made the silent Shenjia Village instantly alive. Whether it was the adults working in the field or the children playing outside, they all ran home with their heads buried in the rain. Almost in the blink of an eye, there were many There are many figures.

    Because of the falling rain, the sultry heat in the air finally dissipated a little.

    Those who ran back had big smiles on their faces, and those who returned home early even took buckets and tanks and put them in the yard to catch water.

    The entire Shenjia Village was very excited because of the rain.

    Due to the drought in the past two years, there has been a shortage of water throughout the country. The last time it rained, I don’t know when it happened. The current rain is not a trouble for people, but a salvation.

    Many people who returned home were chatting with family members or neighbors while receiving water. The bustling voices and laughter added infinite vitality to the sudden heavy rain in a flash.

    The same is true for the head of the village team.

    Already back home, the children stood at the door and looked at the rain at close range, and stretched out their hands mischievously. The cold rain fell on the palms of the children, which made the children very happy, and the man at home had already moved the water tank to the yard. The woman Also try your best to get some basins that can catch water.

    In the past two years, water resources have been tight, and it is very difficult to use both draft and water. It is a gift from God to directly contact the water because of the rain like this.

    After everything that needed to be done was done, they could finally take a breather. The family members standing under the eaves all had joyful expressions on their faces, and even the old man, who was always stern, was very pleased because of the rain.

    The old man sat at the entrance of the house and knocked on his pipe, looked at the rain curtain and muttered, "I hope this rain will last longer, so that the harvest in the field may be better!" After the old lady was happy, she found that there were     fewer One person, after looking around for several times but not finding anyone, he shouted at the top of his voice, "Where's the third child? Why don't you see anyone else?" "     Boss and second child, where is your younger brother? Where did he go when he didn't come back with you?" The old lady's tone was a little more hostile, and also a little anxious.

    Shen Wan was also anxious like her.

    Because the third child in the old lady's mouth is her husband.

    The two brothers Shen Jiaqiang and Shen Jiafu, who were named by the old lady, looked at each other. The joy on their faces faded slightly, and they both scratched their heads in embarrassment. The boss Shen Jiaqiang replied, "We have been working, and the third brother started You were with us too, and you didn’t know about it later!”

    After all, he was so absorbed in his work that he didn’t pay attention at all.

    But Shen Wan also became anxious when she saw the rain getting bigger and bigger.

    Such a heavy rain hasn't come back yet, shouldn't something happen to me?

    The old lady was annoyed by the elder son's answer, and couldn't help but mutter a few words to him, but Shen Wan couldn't wait any longer, seeing that her husband hadn't come back, she directly found a snakeskin bag and put it on her body to go out to find someone .     Seeing that his feet were about to step out, the eldest brother

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