Chapter 51-55

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Chapter 51

    Shen Xiaoyu has been exercising for a while. Although she can't walk too far at once, she can already walk very well from the inside of the bed to the side of the bed. The person who wants to give surprises is waiting for her right now. What are you waiting for?

    Under Shen Jiayang's expectant gaze, she walked towards him with a deep kick and a shallow kick.

    There is really no way for her to have a deep foot and a shallow foot. Even if she wants to control herself, her physical factors cannot be controlled by willpower. She is already very powerful at her age.

    Such a small distance is a matter of one or two steps for an adult, but it is a long way for a baby who is nearly ten months old. She tried her best to make herself walk steadily. Seeing that it was about to be completed, excitedly, With one stagger, he was about to fall.

    Now it is almost close to the bed, if you fall here, your head may be knocked out of the bed.

    It was obviously such a critical moment, but Shen Xiaoyu wasn't afraid at all, not only was she not afraid, she even laughed out loud with a little milky voice, but she was pinched and crunched and hugged after laughing twice.

    She has fallen into a generous embrace.

    This result was completely within Shen Xiaoyu's expectation.

    She patted his father's rough side face again with both hands, and called out happily Dad!

    Shen Jiayang immediately revealed an expression of love and hate.

    But he didn't scare him to death. Seeing his daughter's heartless appearance, he couldn't hold back. He just opened his mouth and bit his own daughter's tender face, "Little villain, I almost died of scaring!" Me, still laughing, why are you laughing?!"

    Shen Xiaoyu, who just now felt that everything was under control, was bitten with a dull expression on her face.

    She she was bitten? !

    Shen Wan who was on the side was also taken aback, she came over almost immediately, she was relieved after confirming that it was all right, but she was still a little scared in her heart, she felt that she was too careless just now, it's good that she didn't fall, if she really was about to fall It's too late to regret.

    But listening to her daughter's happy laughter, she unknowingly relaxed again.

    Seeing that her small face looked a little dull after being bitten, she looked a little more silly, and couldn't help but touch the place where she was bitten just now, "It doesn't hurt anymore if you touch it. , it's your father who is bad, he dared to bite you, I'll beat him for you!"

    After speaking, he really hit Shen Jiayang on the shoulder decently.

    A cracking sound brought the sluggish Shen Xiaoyu back to his senses.

    The next moment, she made an action that neither of the couple had expected.

    Following the movement of Shen Jiayang biting her just now, she moved up to Shen Jiayang's face and bit her back.

    It's a pity that she has no teeth, and it's true that she missed her bite, and her face was covered with saliva.

    But this is not bad, Shen Xiaoyu smiled quite satisfied.

    Don't look at her as a talkative baby, in fact she is also vengeful. She was attacked unprepared just now, so she has to bear her merciless revenge. How about it, are you afraid? !

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