Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

    what to do?

    Shen Jiayang narrowed his eyes slightly, and also felt a little headache.

    Because of yesterday's experience, he subconsciously felt that even if there was a limit to what could appear around the baby, she might not even be able to feed herself with that little thing, let alone think about the others.

    He didn't even think about taking a baby's stuff.

    But now the facts tell him that's not the case at all.

    The sorghum rice and cornmeal in front of me are life-saving things in this era, and they can be of great help to the family. Although he is a big man, he does not need to go to the kitchen to cook, and the food at home is mainly in charge of the old lady. , but he can still guess the food situation at home from the situation on the dinner table.

    From the famine last year to the present, people have starved to death in many places, and every family has the habit of storing food, but the production of food itself is limited, and the amount that can be distributed to the villagers for storage is naturally extremely limited.

    It is summer now, and there are still two or three months before the autumn harvest.

    This period is the most difficult time of the year. Not only will there be more work in the field, but there will be almost nothing left of the food stored at home by this time, and the burden on the body can be imagined if you eat less and work more. Know how big it is.

    However, there was a drought at the same time as the famine. Last year, the harvest in the field was almost halved compared to before the famine. After the public grain was paid, the grain that could be distributed to every family in the village was pitifully small.

    Their family is strong and labor-intensive, but their income is also very limited.

    Now the fact that no one on the team starved to death can be attributed to his father. His father had been keenly aware of some clues before the famine started, and then he urged the villagers to store more food.

    Because his father, the captain, is very prestigious in the team, so even though some people don't understand why they are asked to store food, few people don't follow his father's words.

    Everyone's thoughts are also very simple. No matter what the reason is, it is always a good thing to store food. Even if the captain doesn't say it, most people do it like this. Food is the lifeblood of rural people, and food storage is almost an instinctive behavior!

    It wasn't until the famine started that the villagers realized how foresight their captain was, and everyone was grateful to him. The prestige of the captain was greatly improved after this incident.

    Because of the captain’s reminder, every family on the team smoothly transitioned to the famine year. Even if they had less savings due to family circumstances, they could borrow some money from those whose relationship changed.

    So that every time they heard the news that someone was starving to death somewhere, the people on the team would be more grateful to the captain.

    But this year is already the second year of drought, and the grain harvests in all parts of the country are very limited!

    Even if the people in their village had saved some food at the beginning, the food saved was almost consumed in the past two years, but no one knew how long this kind of life would last.

    The physical and psychological torture and pressure are the most unbearable.

    The rain in the past two days is tantamount to God's mercy to the farmers who are counting on the harvest in the field. It has made their expectations for this year's autumn harvest much higher, and they hope that the grain production will be better than last year. More food can be distributed to every household at any time.

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