Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

    The old lady was attracted by the mysterious gesture of the third son, but she really didn't expect much in her heart.

    Among her three sons, the youngest has the most out-of-the-box personality and is also the smartest among the children.

    But it's also the most frustrating.

    When I was young, I often did things like recruiting cats and fighting dogs. When I grew up, I didn’t worry about where to go. Not to mention that I didn’t play enough in the village. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the king of children among his peers, so he calmed down a little after marrying his wife.

    Now this posture made the old lady think of the son's way of showing off every time he got something good from the mountain before, but now there is no game to catch around the Calabash Mountain, and those who can be caught have been caught long ago.

    There may be game in the deeper places, but the inner circle of the mountain is too dangerous, and going deep into the inner circle is prohibited in the village.

    So she really couldn't think of anything good that the third son could show her.

    When she came close, Shen Jiayang reached out and removed the dry leaves covering the basket. After the leaves were removed, it was obvious that the wild vegetables inside were freshly picked. There were quite a few wild vegetables, so save some to eat. How many meals!

    The old lady couldn't help showing a little smile, "What did you think you showed me? You have to carry a backpack when you go out, just thinking about digging wild vegetables. Where did you dig these wild vegetables?" Don't tell me, it's so

    fresh The wild vegetables are really rare!

    And there are more than one kind, which makes the old lady very happy, and I can just mix some to eat at night!

    At this time, Mrs. Shen and Mrs. Shen also heard the sound.

    Seeing so many wild vegetables, the two also showed joy on their faces.

    Shen Jiayang smiled slightly and didn't say anything. Against the eyes of several people, he stretched his hand into the back basket and turned it up. He quickly found a cloth bag from under the back bag. The cloth bag was already a little wet under the wild vegetables. There was still some wet mud on it.

    Shen Wan's expression became more nervous when she saw the cloth bag.

    Those grains are all in this bag!

    Shen Jiayang patted the mud on the outside of the cloth bag casually, then quickly opened the cloth bag and put it in front of the old lady, whispering, "The wild vegetables are included, these are the things I want you to see, you Look!"

    The old lady leaned over to take a look, and her disapproving expression changed instantly.

    She reached out to take the cloth bag and grasped it tightly. With such a heavy hand in her hand, her expression became more serious. Looking at her son's expression, she also became obviously nervous, "Where did this come from?

    " It weighs more than five catties, which is not a small amount.

    And just now, after a rough look, the grains inside are all rare and refined products. Now every household in the village doesn’t even have much coarse grains left. When the son suddenly took out such a few catties of fine grains, the old lady’s first reaction would naturally not be happy. But worry.

    Worried about whether his son made a mistake!

    Sister-in-law Shen and Second-sister-in-law Shen really rarely see their mother-in-law showing such a nervous look, and they couldn't help but wonder what the third brother showed her mother-in-law just now, but they were both a little far away just now, after the third brother showed her mother-in-law They stopped too quickly, and they really didn't see anything.

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