Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

    Seeing her mother smiling, Shen Wan felt relieved completely, she knew her mother was soft-hearted, and at the same time couldn't help but praise her baby infinitely in her heart, it was really awesome, the first time The grandma was taken down as soon as they met, as expected of her baby.

    "Yeah, the baby probably knows that this is her grandma, so she's greeting you!" Shen Wan smiled and moved closer, took Shen Xiaoyu's hand and squeezed it, and said proudly, "I didn't lie to you, did I? She's really cute!"

    This kind of innocent, cute and lovable child is the easiest to arouse women's love, even though Shen's mother still has some thoughts in her heart, she still can't help but soften her heart in the face of this cute attack.

    Of course, Ai Wu Ji Wu is the most popular.

    My daughter likes this child so much, it's not good for her as a mother to pour cold water on her. The daughter of her family has been pampered and grew up smoothly. After getting married, she has a very good relationship with her son-in-law. Easy to get along with, such a growing environment has developed her pure and soft personality.

    But who would have thought that it would be so difficult for her to have an heir? !

    In the past six months, she has heard a lot of gossip about her daughter, which made Shen's mother feel distressed.

    She gave birth to five children, so she only had such a daughter, who was well-behaved and sensible since she was a child. The three older brothers above and the younger brother at the bottom were all willing to pamper and let the only younger sister (sister) in the family, so she was completely I have never been bullied.

    The biggest grievance I have suffered is probably the gossip I have heard in the past half a year.

    But in this regard, Mother Shen really has nothing to do.

    No one else can help with the problem of having a baby except herself. At most, she can only find some ways to find some homemade prescriptions for her daughter to take care of her body, hoping that she can conceive as soon as possible.

    The only consolation is that the mother-in-law is not an evil mother-in-law.

    On the contrary, her attitude towards her daughter is no different from that of her own mother. Even if her daughter has not had children for a year, she has never accused her. When she hears someone accuses her daughter, she will scold her back for her. Such a mother-in-law is really It is also difficult to find with a lantern.

    Just because of this, she also felt that her daughter did not marry the wrong person.

    But she still hopes that her daughter can conceive as soon as possible, not to mention that her daughter herself likes children, but that in this world, she knows how difficult it is for a woman without a child. some.

    This time she came here not only to see her daughter, but also to bring her medicine.

    By the way, speaking of medicine—

    Mother Shen's attention finally moved away from Shen Xiaoyu. She put Shen Xiaoyu back on the bed, opened the small cloth bag she had just brought over and put on the bed, and took out a The medicine bag, "This is a homemade recipe I heard from others, you can try it again!"

    Shen Wan saw the medicine bag, and her face was silent for a moment.

    It's not that her mother cares too much, but because of guilt.

    Her mother gave her prescriptions more than once, all to help her, and every time her husband took the medicines, she would show them to Dr. Gu. After reading them, Dr. Gu also said that although these medicines may not necessarily help women A person becomes pregnant, but it does not harm the body.

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