Chapter 61-65

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Chapter 61

    Most of the Shen family felt that the attitude of this female educated youth was quite uncomfortable.

    If it was really because of difficulties that such a proposal was made, the old man of his family might not necessarily refuse it, but this kind of attitude that he thought he was superior to others and almost always brought alms was very shocking.

    You can pay for the food.

    Why, is the Shen family short of her little grain or her little tenure? !

    If you are so capable, what are you doing in the countryside? Wouldn’t it be better to just stay in the city?

    Feeling too good about myself.

    Pan Ying didn't know that her words would arouse resistance from the Shen family.

    Of course, she has her own considerations for making such a proposal.

    Based on her observations along the way, the house of the captain's house is considered to be very good. Like other houses, most of them are made of mud.

    Now she really regrets her move to the country.

    But there is everything in the world, but there is no medicine for regret.

    Going to the countryside has to go through the procedure, don't even think about leaving once you come, at least you won't be able to leave in the short term.

    Of course, she didn't know it at this time. In the next ten years, if there were no special circumstances, she would not even think about going back to the city. If she knew, it would be more than regret.

    Now she just wants to stay at the captain's house.

    In addition to the fact that the captain’s house is better, but also because the captain is the cadre with the most say in the village, she is quite clear about this aspect. Get closer to the cadre so that you can ask for help when you encounter problems later. ah!

    Pan Ying's little calculation is quite loud, but it depends on whether others agree or not.

    The rest of the Shen family were more or less unhappy because of Pan Ying's words, but the old man was not even surprised. He knocked his pipe on the leg of the chair and looked at Pan Ying. , and said kindly, "I have a lot of people in my family, and I don't have any spare rooms for others to live in. The lesbians think the place I found for you is not good?" Mingming sounded very kind, but Pan Ying did

    n't I know why I feel chilly in my heart.

    But she didn't think about it, she just wanted to talk to her when she frowned.

    At the critical moment, she was stopped by the male educated youth next to her.

    After holding Pan Ying, Zhao Liang said in a low voice not to make trouble, and then took the old man's words with a smile, "Comrade Pan may not be used to it when he first came to the country. Don't be so fussy with her, the captain. Please take me with you now." Let's go and see where we live?"

    If it wasn't because he came from the same place as Pan Ying, he wouldn't be bothered to meddle in other people's business!

    He saw that Pan Ying hadn't recognized the reality, couldn't see her position clearly, and she was so picky and picky when she just came to other people's territory. Did she really think this was her own home?

    From his point of view, this old man does not look like a rural person, but he has a kind of majesty that makes people dare not make mistakes. His uncle is a soldier, and he is already very imposing, but he thinks this The captain is more imposing than his uncle who is a soldier.

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