Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

    "What? You two want to adopt that child?" Mrs. Shen involuntarily raised her voice after hearing the proposal of the third couple, with an obvious sense of astonishment in her tone.

    With her voice raised so high, the eyes that originally fell on Shen Jiayang and his wife turned to her in an instant. Although everyone was also very surprised by the request made by the two, no one really reacted as exaggeratedly as Mrs. Shen.

    Being stared at by everyone, Mrs. Shen couldn't help but look embarrassed, coughed, and quickly changed the topic back, "No, what I mean is, whose family is this child and what's the situation, Mr. Three, why did you adopt her?"

    When she spoke again this time, her mood became much calmer, and most of her questions were on the point, and everyone naturally looked at Shen Jiayang and his wife again.

    Among them, the old lady's eyes were slightly closed, but if you look closely, you can find that her expression is much calmer than that of her son and daughter-in-law, with a little bit of clarity as expected.

    She quickly raised her eyes again, and her eyes fell on the third son, "What your sister-in-law asked is what I want to know. You said that you want to adopt that child without thinking. Tell us first what is going on. Tell me!"

    Shen Jiayang obviously relaxed a lot when he heard the words, and his mother didn't refuse to show that there was room for discussion.

    In fact, before he opened his mouth, he was sure that his mother would accept it, because there was a reason why he and Xiaowan had no children after a year of marriage, and only the parents and the couple at home knew about this reason.

    Also because of this reason, her mother not only didn't dislike Xiao Wan's fact that she hadn't had a child for a year after she married in, but she felt a little guilty, so that she really wanted to be more indulgent towards the couple.     Shen Jiayang withdrew his thoughts, and told his family members what he had told his wife about the child before. Although he had tried his best to tell everything he knew, there was actually very little effective information.     I only know that this child was abandoned, and I don't know the rest.     After listening, the old lady couldn't help but rolled her eyes at her son, "What you said is the same as if you didn't say it?"

    But the dislike turned into dislike, and after she disliked her, she began to think about her son, "But what you said is still reasonable, since the child was thrown away, it is your own business if you are willing to pick it up and raise it, you should raise it temporarily Well, there are only a few families in the village who are going to give birth during this period of time. When I find time to inquire about it, I will know who the child belongs to. When the time comes, I will solve all the problems that should be solved, so as not to cause any trouble in the future! "

    It's obviously about accepting the fact that you're going to adopt.

    After hearing this, Shen Jiayang stepped forward to help his mother press his shoulders, flatteringly said, "As expected of the captain's wife, I think comprehensively, thank you mom, then I will leave this matter to you!

    " The flattering mother Shen reached out and patted the hand on her shoulder, and spat at her son, "You brat, you know how to make trouble for me every day." That's what she said,

    but there was an obvious smile on her face. with a smile.

    Shen Wan saw that this matter was cleared and the child could be adopted, so she couldn't help but smile a little more on her face.

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