Chapter 56-60

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Chapter 56

    It's not for nothing that Shen Xiaoyu's younger brothers are cute.

    Just like the small wooden box for snacks owned by Shen Xiaoyu, it is a super invincible treasure for a few boys, they are really envious, but the box belongs to sister Shen Xiaoyu, and there is a lock on the box, The key to the lock hung around her neck.

    The boys obviously knew that there were a lot of delicious food in this small wooden box, but they wouldn't mess around and pester Shen Xiaoyu for food just because of this. In front of the small wooden box, I touched the small wooden box, thinking about the snacks inside to cheer myself up.

    Then he ran to Shen Xiaoyu, his sister, to perform hard.

    This performance is multifaceted.

    For example, keep yourself clean without being urged, and tidy yourself up neatly. For example, when there is work at home that they can do, they will take the initiative to help. Talk to people blah blah blah.

    In every way, these are the ways they earn performance.

    With more children, it is indeed difficult to manage, but it is also easy to manage.

    Because children have a strong sense of competition, Shen Xiaoyu has the mentality of an adult, and can guide these younger brothers in a good direction with some small skills. Reward them.

    This is how the few little bean dings who have been taught today have almost developed discipline.

    Shen Xiaoyu definitely played a fundamental role in this.

    After putting away all the snacks, Shen Xiaoyu hung the key back around her neck, and followed her father to the main room again.

    Her father brought back more things this time than ever before. There were four or five bags in total.

    The snacks just now were just the smallest bag.

    But for little Doudings under the age of five, snacks are what they value most.

    For the rest, no matter how good it looks to others, Xiao Douding is actually not that interested. It is always unrealistic for them to think about issues that adults care about at such a young age.

    It's just that this mentality changed slightly with the things Shen Jiayang took out.

    Apart from snacks, Shen Jiayang brought back a lot of things, including food and clothing, and the few children's eyes couldn't help but stick to the clothes he bought.

    The clothes worn by the children in the family are all made by the family members themselves. Because of the better conditions, these little ones have worn new clothes since they were young, but this time Shen Jiayang brought back a few clothes that were obviously sold outside. finished clothes.

    These clothes are obviously different from the clothes they made themselves in terms of style.

    It was easy to attract the attention of several children.

    Shen Jiayang took out a small black skirt from the inside, then pulled Shen Xiaoyu over to make gestures on her body, and nodded in satisfaction, "It looks good, let me say this skirt is suitable for my daughter, and I will change it later for you." Let's take a look."

    In addition to this little skirt, there is also a small pair of matching black leather shoes.

    Shen Xiaoyu was already good-looking, with fair skin. When she compared the black skirt and small leather shoes to her, the effect came out instantly. The little Doudings couldn't help but open their eyes wide, thinking that such a sister had become It's different.

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