Chapter 106-110

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Chapter 106

    Because Shen Xiaoyu waited for Tang Ji'an whose classroom was on the second floor, she was a little bit late.

    It turned out to be a little bit late, when she and Tang Ji'an went to the first grade together to find her younger brother, she realized that his younger brother had already left first, and he was still chasing after a classmate in the class, so she followed Tang Ji'an immediately without delay .

    Fortunately, they didn't go far, and saw someone not far outside the school.

    But what I saw was that my own three treasures were grabbing a child by the collar, with a 'fierce' look, as if they were looking for faults!

    Shen Xiaoyu's heart skipped a beat, she ran forward quickly, and followed suit, "Sanbao, what are you doing?"

    Shen Ping who heard the voice turned his head and saw that it was his sister who was coming, and subconsciously let go of the hand holding Chen Bo's collar. Loosening, Chen Bo's eyes lit up, he seized the opportunity and wanted to run, but Shen Ping caught him again when he found out, "Don't run!"

    He didn't finish his question yet!

    At this moment, Shen Xiaoyu had already run over. She was panting slightly, but she still tried her best to calmly ask her younger brother, "What's the matter? Why are you holding him?" On the first day of school, do you want to have so many accidents

    ? ah!

    Shen Ping didn't feel guilty at all this time, because he wasn't prepared to fight at all. He still maintained this posture, but his eyes turned to his sister, and he replied seriously, "It's because he told others that Shen Xing is a son of a bitch, we I just asked him why he said that!"

    In the hearts of children, even if the relationship may not be that close, emotionally speaking, children from the same village must be closer than children from other villages. So Chen Bo's stabbing in the back is hard to accept.

    Shen Xiaoyu understood as soon as she heard it.

    She looked at the child caught by her younger brother, probably because of the 'large number of people' on her side, the child looked a little scared, and his lips were trembling.

    At this moment, Shen Xiaoyu hated herself for not being a real child.

    If she was a real child, she wouldn't think so much like an adult, and maybe she would do whatever she wanted, just like her younger brother, but she didn't.

    So sometimes she may always appear more rational, but rational at the same time also makes her look like a bad person. This can be understood, and that can also be understood. She obviously doesn't want to be like this, but let her be with such a careless person. Even if a child cares about it, she really can't do it.

    Is it really necessary to beat this child up?

    She sighed again in her heart, and she didn't know how many times she sighed in her heart today, but she still said to her brother, "Let him go first, there are so many of us, he can't escape." Shen Ping believed this

    . , so he really let go.

    The same words would have different effects in different people's ears. Shen Ping felt that what his sister said was reasonable, but Chen Bo felt that it was threatening him, so he didn't dare to run away even if he was let go.

    When Shen Xiaoyu also asked him why he had bad-mouthed Shen Xing to others before, Chen Bo's emotions couldn't be controlled in an instant, and the submissive child just now started yelling recklessly.     "I'm not mistaken, he is a puppet!" The child closed his eyes, "I didn't play with you, why can he play with you as a puppet?     " Ding was dumbfounded.     Even Shen Xiaoyu's expression froze for an instant.     After realizing what the child meant, she didn't even know what expression to make for a moment.     "What do you mean?" Shen Zuo looked at Chen Bo first, and asked in a daze, "You want to play with us, and you think we didn't bring you, so Shen Xing who played with us didn't like it?" Although the     words It's a little rough, but that's what it means.     To put it bluntly, this is just a little jealousy from a child.     The brothers of Shen Zuo may not be very clear about it themselves, but they are actually very popular in the village.

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