Chapter 46-50

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Chapter 46

    The oil that Shen Xiaoyu took out was also corn oil.

    a small bucket.

    Speaking of barrels is actually a bit inappropriate, and it is more appropriate to use bottles, because what she took out was not the kind of big barrels sold in supermarkets, but the kind of bottled oil with a handle on the bottle.

    She had torn off the plastic paper on the bottle.

    So the large bottle of oil presented in front of Shen Jiayang and his wife looked extraordinarily bright, that's right, it was bright, through the transparent bottle, the golden corn oil inside looked as if it would glow.

    Shen Jiayang had just come back from pressing oil in the town, and he thought that the oil he brought back was pretty good, but compared with the big bottle in front of him, the contrast between the two was so sharp that a blind man could tell the difference.

    Shen Wan held up the oil without saying a word, and just looked at Shen Jiayang like this.

    Shen Jiayang didn't even know what expression he should put on. He stepped forward and took the oil over and looked at it. Looking at it closely, the oil looked even more dazzling. In terms of the total amount, it took more than half a morning for him to The corn oil just brought back is much more.

    He didn't look at it for long, and quickly put the oil aside.

    Then he picked up the girl who was wriggling on the bed with her small buttocks sticking out.

    Shen Xiaoyu, who was picked up, blinked innocently, stretched out a pair of small hands to touch Shen Jiayang's face, and yelled naturally, "papa~"

    Since she opened her mouth yesterday, now she calls her daddy It's getting smoother.

    Shen Jiayang's heart softened with a small milky voice.

    He held his daughter in his arms and looked at it again and again, but he couldn't see anything, but he always felt that his daughter was not only amazing in the point of bringing her own rations, but also occasionally gave birth to a feeling that her daughter could understand his thoughts.     After he and his wife discovered the specialness of the child, they worried that the specialness of the child would be noticed outside. As a result, the place where things appeared around the child never left the room, and even the time was basically fixed at a place where no one would notice. The time period when they come, that is, when they go to bed and just wake up.

    When he was worried about the increasing amount of food around his children, and how to give the food to his family in an open and honest manner, the amount of food around his children became less and less.

    When the food situation was not so tense, and he thought that there was no need to find a way to add food to the family, after a few days, there was really no food around the child.

    If there is no problem with the source of food, no one will think too much food no matter how much it is.

    After all, although he said that food is not in short supply, it is only in relative terms. Let’s talk about it now. Not long after the distribution of food, every household can be said to have the most food in a year, but some people will really let go because of this. Did you eat it with your belly full?

    No, each household needs to distribute these grains over a year.

    Otherwise, let go of your stomach and eat now, and you will have to drink Northwest Wind in the second half of the year.

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