Chapter 86-90

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Chapter 86

    There are few people with foreign surnames in Shenjia Village, and there is not much to add one piece to all five brigades. In addition, the third team is next to their second team. The old lady just mentioned it a little, and everyone knew who she was talking about. .

    It's because I know that I'm so surprised.

    Speaking of this widow Zhang, she was also a poor person. Within a year of her marriage, the man disappeared due to an accident. She was still pregnant with a child at the time. She was orphaned and widowed, and the situation in Cheng's family was difficult.

    In rural areas, there are only a handful of people like Comrade Wu Xiaofeng who can truly keep a bowl of water level.

    Even if they are all their own children, the old man will have his favorite one. As the saying goes, the youngest son, the eldest grandson, is the lifeblood of the old man, but although the third child of the Cheng family is the youngest of the sons, he is the least lovable .

    The eldest is the eldest son and will support his parents in the future.

    It can be said that as long as there are no special circumstances, the status of the boss of each family is quite special.

    But the Cheng family's second child was eloquent and had a particularly sweet mouth.

    So although he is not the most diligent, he still pleases his parents.

    In the countryside, although sons are more pleasing than daughters, but there are more sons, and sometimes the importance in the hearts of parents is somewhat different.

    The third child in the Cheng family is the kind who is filial to his parents and diligent in doing things, but because of his stupid mouth, he can't speak or express himself, so he becomes the one with the weakest sense of presence in the family.

    Although it is not the most pleasing, mothers will still worry about big things like marrying a daughter-in-law.

    At the beginning, his old mother thought that her third son was dull-tempered, and if she found another daughter-in-law who was the same, those two boring gourds together would suffocate people to death, so she simply found a bright-tempered daughter-in-law for her son, in order to let him The couple will not have anything to say when they are married.

    Facts have proved that this old lady has a good eye for people.

    After Cheng Laosan got married to his daughter-in-law, he and his daughter-in-law had a really good time, and they talked a lot more. If it really went on like this, it would be a good thing for Ye Ye.

    But the bad thing is that Cheng Laosan disappeared because of an accident.

    Even if the old lady disliked the youngest of the three sons, he was still her own son. How could she not be sad at all when he was gone?

    Thus, the third daughter-in-law became the punching bag.

    She felt that the third daughter-in-law killed her son, and she completely lost her face. It should be said that she could barely bear it before her child was born. After her child was born, even if she gave birth to a grandson, but To this daughter-in-law, she still has no nose or eyes.

    When I have nothing to do, I just find things for my daughter-in-law.

    Because the two teams are close to each other, everyone knows about this family quite well.

    As long as they are not the kind of troublesome people, they will feel that this old lady is too much, and she is too harsh on her daughter-in-law. It is really pitiful that the man has to suffer from his mother-in-law after the death of Widow Zhang.

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