Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

    Shen Xiaoyu slept again and felt much more comfortable when she woke up. The burning sensation on her body had obviously weakened a lot, and she no longer had that hot feeling in her nose when she breathed.

    The antipyretics she drank before really worked quite well.

    After the body is comfortable, the mood becomes happy.

    Her mouth curled into a small arc, and the smile on her face involuntarily widened after remembering the conversation she heard before falling asleep. Shen Xiaoyu also has parents!

    Thinking of this, her head and eyeballs moved together, obviously looking for someone.

    At this time, it was past six o'clock in the afternoon. Usually, the sky is still bright at this time, but today it is much darker due to the rain, and it seems that it is almost dark.

    The baby's vision was already blurred, and due to the weather, Shen Xiaoyu tried hard for a long time but couldn't see if there was anyone in the room. Because she was lying down, the range she could see was limited, so there was really nothing wrong with it. .

    Then don't blame her for amplifying her moves—

    "Ah~ah!" She made a sound with a flick of her small mouth. It's a pity that she can only utter such meaningless monosyllables, but it's enough!

    Almost as soon as her voice came out, Shen Wan put down the little dress that was almost finished in her hand and sat over, reached out and stroked her chest lightly, and said with a smile, "We Xiao Yu woke up? What's your name, are you looking for your mother?"

    Considering that the child is still young, she was not allowed to cook tonight, so Shen Wan stayed in the room, taking care of the child while making clothes.

    Second Sister-in-law Shen also left when it was almost time to cook.

    After Shen Xiaoyu got the response, she became even stronger immediately, her little hand stretched out from under the quilt to grab Shen Wan's big hand on her chest, Shen Wan, who saw her intentions, took the initiative to hold her little hand in the palm of her hand, looked at it and it was still there. Not enough, even a few kisses.     Shen Xiaoyu: I almost lost my eyes laughing

    after being kissed (*/w\*) .

    Such a face-saving reaction made Shen Wan fall in love with her. She really felt that her baby was very smart. Although she was so small and couldn't speak, she could always give some responses that made her heart go soft.

    A toothless smile like this is really hard to get tired of!

    She really couldn't resist wrapping the child tightly and hugging it up, hugging her in her arms while teasing and kissing, she felt that doing nothing for a day just holding the child and taking care of her was acceptable.

    After the mother and son played back and forth in the room for a while, someone shouted outside.

    "Xiao Wan, the meal is ready, come out to eat." Shen Jiayang's voice was getting closer and closer. After the voice fell, he pushed open the door and entered the room. Whoops and laughs.

    He couldn't help being amused, "Hey, is this little girl awake? She looks quite lively!"

    Shen Wan looked at her husband who came over, and held Shen Xiaoyu's hand and shook it at him vaguely, " That's not it, Xiaoyu is smart, she will smile at me when I talk to her, and respond to me, isn't it baby?!"

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