Chapter 101-105

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Chapter 101

    Seeing that Shen You, the most agile kid, had already climbed into the bullock cart, and the other kids were one by one, without any help, they all followed Shen You up by themselves, Shen Xiaoyu finally didn't dare to be in a daze.

    She quickly reached out to catch Shen You, and asked Tang Ji'an to stop the other little Doudings who were still climbing up, and then asked, "What are you doing?" In fact, she already

    had a bad guess in her heart.

    Then Xiao Douding's answer quickly proved that she was right.

    "Going out to play with my sister?" The little girl Shen You who was asked answered with a face of course. After answering, she pulled Shen Xiaoyu's hand away, wanting to sit next to her directly, her little face was full of right to go out to play expectations.

    Shen Xiaoyu, "..."

    had a headache, but she really guessed it right.

    She quickly grabbed Xiao Douding who was about to sit down again, made him look at her, and said seriously, "Xiaoyou, my sister is not going out to play, she is going to school, you can't go with me, you stay at home obediently , my sister will take you out to play together later, okay?"

    Xiao Douding shook his head and said softly, "Then we will go to school with my sister too!"

    Shen Xiaoyu, "..."

    Others, "..."

    Originally, Shen Jiayang Putting on a good posture, he waited for the children in the family to sit down and drove away, but it turned out to be like this, no one really thought of it.

    Because when I talked about going to school two days ago, I said it at the dinner table, and Xiaodouding was there at the time.

    It is precisely because of this that no one thinks too much. After all, Da Hua and Er Hua have been in school for so long, and everyone naturally feels that Xiao Douding has a lot of ideas about going to school.

    But looking at it now, what kind of concept do they have, they didn't listen carefully at the time!

    Even if I listened carefully, I couldn't fully understand the situation.

    Otherwise, I wouldn't be chasing and going to school together now!

    Looking at Xiao Douding's expectant eyes, Shen Xiaoyu couldn't bear to refuse, but he had to take his younger brother with him if he didn't go to school, and the oldest of Xiao Douding would not be able to go to school until at least a year later, so he couldn't bear it because he couldn't bear it for a while. Just fool them.

    Shen Xiaoyu sighed and was ready to have a good talk with his brother.

    But before she could open her mouth, her mother came over, swiped her hands, and directly carried little Shen You off the cart, and the other few were also taken back by the aunt and second aunt.

    After hugging her son, Shen Wan smiled at her daughter, "Let's go, don't worry about them!" Shen Xiaoyu hesitated

    a little, but Dahua Erhua and Erbao had already come up and sat down, and then Tang Ji'an pulled Shen Xiaoyu to Moved inside, waved his hand, "Then we'll leave first."

    Shen Jiayang was even more straightforward, turned around to glance at a few little bean dings, whipped his whip, and drove the ox cart away.

    The few little Doudings who were ruthlessly 'abandoned' became more and more confused one by one.

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