Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

    Second Sister-in-law Shen is a restrained person. Compared with the slightly edgy and noisy sister-in-law, she may not have a strong sense of presence at home, but getting along with her is undoubtedly much more comfortable than getting along with Mrs. Shen.

    Because she is very organized in what she does and speaks, and she is a reasonable person.

    Even the old lady at home is more willing to tell the second daughter-in-law than the eldest daughter-in-law when encountering problems.

    Aunt Shen showed obvious resistance to the adoption of the child by Shen Wan and his wife. The reason was that she was unwilling to distribute the limited rations out of selfishness, but Second Aunt Shen would not.

    Not only did she not stand up to object before, after her mother-in-law finalized the fact of adopting the child, she even chose a suitable time to come over and give something to Shen Wan.

    The gift is the old clothes worn by my daughter.

    In the countryside, whether it is cloth or clothes, they are all valuable things.

    Although the old clothes sent by Mrs. Shen cannot be worn directly by the baby, they can still be used to make diapers for the baby after being trimmed and washed. Although they are old, they are still soft. She is very kind to send these over. up.

    Shen Wan directly pulled the second sister-in-law back to sit on the bed, and did not show politeness to the second sister-in-law. She accepted this kindness and said with a smile, "Second sister-in-law, thank you very much, I am just going to make clothes for the baby. , the clothes you sent really helped me a lot!"     The second sister-in-law Shen also saw the cloth heads on the bed, she pursed her lips and smiled when she heard this, and said directly, "It just so happens that I am free and have nothing to do Do it, let me help you, although Dahua’s clothes can’t be worn by children anymore, they can be taken apart and used as diapers.” While speaking,     she took the clothes she brought and began to take them apart, this The clothes have been sewed and mended countless times, and some places are completely unsewn, otherwise, Second Aunt Shen would not be willing to make it into a diaper for the child.     But this is normal in rural areas.     This is not only the case for children, but also for adults. As long as the clothes are still wearable, no one is willing to change them for new ones.

    New clothes cost too much fabric, expensive and difficult to buy.

    Now that everyone’s stomach is hard to eat, who has the thought and spare money to change into new clothes, as long as they have something to wear, it’s good. You must know that every household’s clothes are all that you can’t wear, and I’ll wear them again. The body of several people is normal.

    Even the dress that Second Aunt Shen had in her hands was changed from her own clothes for the child to wear.

    Her daughter hasn't worn new clothes since she was born, and she saved up some cloth for critical times. Being able to wear a new dress is definitely something to show off!

    Seeing that the second sister-in-law was already at work, Shen Wan brought over the cloth and sewing box that she had put down just now, and smiled at the second sister-in-law Shen, "Then I will trouble the second sister-in-law.

    " It's common for you to help me with this kind of small work, and Second Aunt Shen didn't even raise her head when she heard this thank you.

    The two of them were busy with their hands, but their mouths were not idle either.

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