Chapter 26-30

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Chapter 26

    After the whole family came back, Shen Wan conveniently put the diapers on the clothesline in the yard and went to the kitchen for dinner.

    She made sweet potato rice at noon, and steamed sweet potato cubes and miscellaneous grains together, and it was a very good meal. Because she didn’t eat in the morning, she worked at noon, and continued to work in the afternoon, so it took only a day. Only at noon will I cook such a filling dry meal.

    Let’s just say that it rained a few days ago, so there was no need to do hard work at home, and the family hadn’t done it for several days.

    After a few days, I suddenly made it again, and everyone felt that it smelled delicious and tasted even better!

    Even Mrs. Shen took the initiative to go to the kitchen to help serve the meal together. The earlier she serves the table, the sooner she can eat her mouth. For the sake of her own mouth, Mrs. Shen can also be diligent.

    I am not active in eating, and I have problems in thinking.

    This sentence is vividly reflected in this day and age.

    Even the children who were chattering just now took their rice bowls and began to eat immediately after the meal was served. They didn't need to be urged by adults at all, they took the initiative and ate deliciously.

    Eating a bowl of dry rice, and then drinking some air-dried cold water, the hungry and flustered stomach will feel comfortable almost immediately. This kind of taste is a beautiful enjoyment for rural people!     After eating, the two children, Dabao and Erbao, brought out the achievements they had made all morning. They gathered around the old lady, with Shen Dabao as the representative, begging, "Grandma, look, we caught the fruit in the morning." After seeing so many cicada monkeys, shall we cook and eat tonight?"     He knew that it was impossible to eat again after he had just eaten at noon.     So cleverly adjusted the time to night.     The two girls, Shen Dahua and Shen Erhua also surrounded them, and looked at the glass bottles in the hands of the two brothers. Both bottles were not too small, and they were more than half filled. .     They got excited together.

    The four children begged the old lady every word, obviously knowing who is the one who can call the shots in the family.

    Because if you want to make this cicada monkey delicious, you must use deep-fried oil, and oil is not at all cheaper than malted milk extract and white sugar, which are in short supply, and even rarer for farmers.

    Now the dishes eaten at home are boiled and mixed with water. Only a little oil is used when there is a lack of oil and water.

    One can imagine how rare oil is.

    Cicada monkey tastes delicious, but it is really expensive to make.

    Seeing the four children begging around the old lady, the rest of the family watched as if they were watching, and no one spoke for them, Shen Wan smiled and went back to the room first. The little ancestor is waiting for her to serve!

    As for nephews and nieces, she was almost 80% sure that her mother-in-law would agree.

    It has been a long time since their family has eaten meat. Not only the children are short of oil and water, but adults are also short of it. It has been raining for a few days like a few days ago, and it is not known when the next time will be, so it can be eaten once after the rain. It is extremely lucky to catch so many cicada monkeys and come back.

    Shen Wan felt that her mother-in-law would be willing to prepare this dish and add a meat dish to the family.

    After she returned to the room, she quickly prepared and fed the baby. The noon time is limited, and she will continue to go to work after one o'clock in the afternoon, so many people will seize this time to take a nap after eating.

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