Two - the encounter

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If he's here, then he's here too.

Pierre noticed me and looked at me with big eyes. I don't know what to do. When Charles left me, i stopped talking to Pierre although he was my best friend. He never looked for me anyway.

"Lea? What are you doing here?", he asked me and everyone looked at us in shock. I froze when he called me Lea. Only he and Charles called me that. Fuck. I never told Max about Pierre or him. He came in my direction and hugged me.

"Hey Pierre. Long time no see.", i hugged him back. "I'm here with Max.", i hesitate but he would knew it anyway.

"Where do you know each other?", Max asked.

"Where do you know each other?", Pierre asked laughing. Whats so funny?

"We're dating. Now to you.", Max said and Pierre looked at me in shock. Then he gave me the 'him? Are you serious?'-look.

"We used to be best friends back in the days.", he answered and Max looked at me.

"You never told me that you knew him.", he asked smiling.

"Yeah, i thought it isn't' that important.", i said and smiled awkwardly.

Pierre looked at me with a weird look as he sat down next to his girlfriend. He knows that i haven't tell Max about Charles.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Francisca but you can call me Kika.", his girlfriend said to me. She seemed really lovely but i will never get over the fact that he broke up with Caterina. She was also my best friend but i lost the contact to her because of the break up with Charles.

"Nice to meet you too. Im Azalea but you can call me Aza.", i said and smiled.

I started a conversation with Lando and he is such a cutie. I can feel that we're going to be best friends.

So far no one mentioned Charles nor has he appeared. Lucky me.

The girls wanted to go to the dance floor so i agreed. We were having so much fun. We ordered drinks and enjoyed the night.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐋𝐞𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐜

"We're late, babe. Hurry up. They're waiting for us.", i said to Charlotte.

She was in the bathroom getting ready since a hour and a half.

"I'm ready.", she said and came out. She had a red cloth pants and a white corset top.

"You look stunning.", i said and kissed her forehead.

We made our way to the club. The bodyguard let us in and we walked to the VIP section.

"Finally. I thought i have to call the police.", Carlos said.

"Ha ha ha funny." I said sarcastically.

"Charles you will never guess who has a girlfriend now?", Lando says.

"I doubt that its you.", i said and take a seat next to Max.

"I wasn't talking about me dumbass. Max has a girlfriend. She is with the other girls on the dance floor.", he said.

"Oh so happy for you. I will look for the girls and get to know her before Charles does.", Charlotte said and walked away.

Pierre gave me a weird look.

"What?", i asked.

"Come with me. I have to talk to you.", he said and stand up. I also stand up and in the moment we wanted to walk away, i saw her walk in our direction. It can't be her. But that face i would recognize everywhere.

"What is she doing here?", i whispered.

"That's what i wanted to tell you.", he said.

She finally saw me too and her smile faded away. She said something to the girls and then disappeared. I immediately followed her.

"I'm going to the restrooms.", i said to Charlotte as i reached her. Then i kept looking for Azalea.

"Azalea. Wait.", i shouted.

She kept walking to the restrooms. She wanted to enter the restroom but i grabbed her wrist.

"Let me go.", she said angrily.

"Since when are you a club person?", i asked tensed. I hated to see her in such a short dress.

"Its none of your business.", she answered.

"How come that you are here?"

"I'm here with my boyfriend and now let me go. You hurting me.", she said and it felt like a punch in the face. She has a boyfriend? I let her wrist go and she wanted to go immediately but i trapped her against the wall.

"Are you out of your mind?! Whats your fucking problem?!", she shouted at me angrily.

"I want to talk to you."

"There is nothing to say! You said a lot by saying nothing on that evening.", she said and tried to lose my grip.

"You're still mad?", i asked becoming angry as well.

"That you left me without an explanation? That you left me alone when i needed you the most? That I cried myself every night to sleep? I fucking needed you! I hate you for that, Charles Leclerc. For destroying me.", she said angrily. I looked her in the eyes. The eyes once looked at me full of love. There isn't love anymore in her gaze.
'I hate you for that Charles Leclerc. For destroying me!' It repeats in my head.

"Do you really hate me, love?" I asked. I don't even know why is said that.


I let go from her. She looks at me one last time and then she disappeared.

Does she really hate me for that? I mean i had my reason.

approximately 4 1/2 years ago:

"Are you fucking kidding me Charles?", she shouted. We are arguing again. Lately we argue often. Very often.

"No! I'm dead serious. Who the fuck is that fucking Louis who always calls you?!", i shouted too.

"I already told you! He is my doctor!", she said pissed.

"Ah yeah sure. Du you think I'm stupid? Who in the fucking world names his doctor by the first name?! Or which doctor calls her patient four times a day?!"

"Because he is a good friend of the family! Stop being jealous, Charles. For god's sake!", she said and walked to the bedroom. I followed her.

"Tell me, tell me now that you aren't fucking him!", i said angrily.

"I'm not fucking my doctor! I just fuck a jealousy dumbhead who doesn't trust his girlfriend!", she said.

Yeah she's right. I don't trust her. I don't believe one single word. She is weird since a few weeks. She's always so distant. Every time i try to spend a nice night with her, she always says that she doesn't feel like having sex. I mean its okay but she was always the one who wanted. And since she refuses me, i think that she has an affair with this Louis guy. I know it!

"Okay. Fine. I'm going for a walk.", i said and went out. I got in my car and drove around. A few hours later i went to my mums house.

"Charles? What are you doing her with a suitcase?", she asked me worried.

"I left Azalea."

The second Chapter. What do you think?
Xoxo Jara🫶🏽

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