Thirty two - Perfectly Wrong

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The next day I woke up and went showering. I texted Lando that I want to talk with him and he agreed. I dressed me up and went downstairs without waking Sara up. I wrote her a note that I'm going to meet Lando.

Lando was already standing in the lobby and we sat down on one of the couches in the lobby.

"Congratulations.", I said.

"For what?"

"For becoming a Father."

"What are you talking about?", he asked confessed.

"I know it Lan. Sara told me that Azalea is pregnant with you child. She said that Azalea only told me that its mine to get me back.", I said.

"What? Are you crazy? The child is yours! Nothing ever happened between me and Aza. We're just best friends!", he said.

"Why should Sara invent it? You can admit it."

"Because this girl is fucking crazy! She jumped on Aza and hit her multiple times! Azalea woke up today and had bruises all over her. This girl is really insane. She was the one who threatened Aza. It was she who broke into her apartment and made her end it all with you. She was the stalker. This girl is obsessed with you and she would do anything to keep Aza away from you. She would even kill her if its necessary.", Lando said and my jaw clenched.


"Sara confessed it to her and said that she has to put her words into actions. Charles, this bitch is fucking crazy. She could've killed Aza."

"Where is Aza right now?", i asked. Fuck. I have to talk to her and apologize for not standing for her.

"In my room.", He said and we both walked to the elevator. We stepped out of the elevator and made our ways to his room.

"My door is open.", he said confused, I heard Azalea whimper and we ran in.

Sara was on Azalea on the bed. She held her by the neck and choked off her breath. Azalea waved her hands and tried to push Sara away. She tried to gasp but Sara choked her too hard. I got so angry. I saw red. I ran to them and grabbed Sara by her shirt. I pulled her away and Lando rushed to Azalea.

"Fuck off!", I yelled at her.

"It's not what it looks like.", Sara said with teary eyes.

"fuck off right now before I completely freak out."

"You're crazy!", Azalea screamed while sobbing.

"Fuck off or I'll call the police!", Lando said and Sara looked at us. Tears ran down her cheeks. She turned around and ran away.
I looked at Azalea and she was still sobbing.

"Shh we are here now.", Lando said while hugging her.

I sat next to her and Lando broke away from the hug so I could hug her.
I wrapped my arms around her body and pulled her closer to me. I had to hold back my own tears.

"I'm here. She will never hurt you again.", I whispered and stroked her hair from her face. She looked into my eyes and I wiped away her tears.

"She wanted to kill me.", she said quietly.

"She will never come near you ever again.", I hugged her tightly and kissed her forehead.


Azalea filed a complaint against sara with the police. We are now back in Monaco. We spent a lot of time together but nothing really happened. We decided to take things slow and I'm fine with it.

Lune and Lando planned a gender reveal party for us. They rented the outside area in a hotel where you have a great view of the Monegasque port. I wanted to pick Azalea up but Lune insisted on picking her up. She is really nice but she annoys me a bit. She acts like she's the father. I arrived at the hotel and went to the location. Everything was in pink and blue even the guests were wearing pink or blue depends on what they think will it be. I think it's going to be a girl. I was wearing white shirt because Lune said that Azalea and I have to wear withe. I left the last button undone.
Lando and Lune are the only ones who knows the gender. They're also wearing white. I saw the boys so I walked to them.

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