Four - jealousy

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𝐀𝐳𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐚 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐧

I winked at Charles and walk with Max inside. He is jealous. But why? He has a beautiful girlfriend. He moved on so quickly. He should be long ago over me.

We step in the elevator and we get as fast as we can to our room. We shouldn't have drink tequila in the club. Max opened the door and he immediately kissed me as soon as we are in our room.
Our kiss gets wild. He opened the zipper from my dress. He started to kiss my neck and to suck on it. I moaned and took off his shirt. My hands found their ways to his bottom. I unzipped his jeans and he took his jeans off.

"I want you right now.", i moaned. I haven't had sex since Charles and i didn't feel like having tonight but i need to forget him. I need to focus on Max. He is the one i want now.

he enters me slowly and gets faster after a while. "you are so tight, baby" he moans.

"Omg max! I'm coming.", i screamed. He gets faster and harder. After a while we both reached our orgasm.

He stand up and cleaned me and then himself. After that he lay down next to me.

"Good night lieverd.", he kisses me.

"Good night.", i snuggled up to him.

Its Saturday. So today i will go with Max to the track. Its Qualifying day.
Max ordered breakfast to our room. After breakfast we dressed up and went to the track.

"There is Checo with his wife and kids.", he said and introduced me to them.

"Finally i get to know you. Max talks a lot about you.", he said and hugged me. His wife hugged me as well.

"I hope you heard only good things about me.", i smile and Max nodded.

"Only the best, lieverd.", he said and kissed my head.

Max had a lot to do before practice so i decide to walk through the paddock.

"Azalea!", i hear a male voice. I face the person and see Lando.

"Hey Lando.", I said to him as i reached him.

"How are you, gorgeous?", he asked.

"I'm good. How about you?"

We talked a few more minutes till I say goodbye to him.

I see Pierre walk towards me. Jesus are they all in the mood for conversations with me?

"Lea, why didn't you call me or Caterina?", he asked suddenly.

"Pierre, i don't think this is the best spot to talk about the past.", i answered.

"Is it true that you cheated on him?", he asked.

"What? What are you talking about?", i asked him unbelievably. I remember that our last argue was about that he thought i would cheat on him with my doctor.

"He said you cheated on him. Thats the reason he broke up with you.", he tells me and i felt my body fill with anger.

"You gotta be kidding me? He left me without an explanation because he believed i was cheating on him? This dumbass.", i said angrily.

"You didn't?"

"No of course not! I loved Charles! I could never be able to cheat on him!", i said.

"I have to go. Is your number still the same? I'll call you and then we can meet and talk.", he said and i nodded.

I was so furious. I told him multiple times that i wasn't cheating on him. Why didn't he trust me?

I was on the way back to the Red Bull garage. I past at the Ferrari garage and saw him.

"I knew it.", i said as i stand behind him. He turned around to face me.


"I knew it that you didn't trust and believe me.", i said now in a pissed tone.

"What are you talking about, Azalea?", he asked me.

"Oh come on. Don't play dumb. You left me because you thought i was cheating on you."

"You cheated on me.", he said confidently.

"I did not! He only called me because I had health issues.", i confessed.

"You don't need to make an excuse to stand in a better light.", he said.

"Are you kidding me? You know what, i don't care. Think what you want. I know what's the truth.", i said and wanted to go back but he grabbed my wrist.

"Why didn't tell me that you had health issues then?", he asked.

"Because you had your first formula one season in front of you and i didn't want to bother you.", i said.

"What did you had?"

"It doesn't matter anymore. Its gone.", i said quietly. It was the worst time in my life. And he wasn't there for me even though he had something to do with it.

"That's also one reason why i left you. You never talked to me when something was wrong.", he said angrily.

"Because I didn't want to be a burden to you!", i yelled.

"Jesus. I can't talk with you without that you start getting mad or start to argue."

"Oh don't only blame myself. You aren't an angel.", I provoked him. I know he hates it.

"You neither. You let my rival fuck you for revenge on me. Did you think of me while he fucked you last night? Did you scream his name like you screamed mine?", he whispered in my ear. I froze. This mf.

"Oh are you jealous? I screamed even louder. You can ask him for advice how to do that.", i said grinning. He clenched his jaw.

After that i walked back and i felt his gaze on me.
Azalea: 1 Charles: 0
I hope I fucked your ego.


"You can do this. You will win your home race. Get pole position champ." I cheered him up.

"I love you.", he said. Oh. we are already there?
I smiled and kissed him. Then he got into his car.

The qualifying went really good for Red Bull. Max got pole position. Charles got second. He seemed unsatisfied.

"Congratulations.", i hugged him.

"Merci Mademoiselle.", he said.

"Oh are you learning french for me?", i asked laughing.

"Only if you learn dutch for me.", he kissed my forehead.

"Max interviews!", his PR-Manager said annoyed.

"Go before she freaks out champ.", i said and kissed him.

"Do you wait here for me?", he asked and i nodded.


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