Thirteen - Just one

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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐋𝐞𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐜

"Dude, what are you doing? You want to lose her again?", Pierre said and hold me back as i wanted to go back to my garage. I'm to angry right now. How can she put him above me. I was her best friend for years. I was her first love. She knows him only for 2 months. She has known me since we were children.

"Mate, that wasn't cool.", Lando said.

"Bro, you have to stay calm. Charlotte doesn't want you to talk to her either."

"But I still talk to her."

"Yeah because you can't stand the fact that she's dating max now. Admit it. You want to ruin it for her.", Pierre said. He's right. I can't stand it but i don't want to ruin her relationship. She would hate me. But of so many men in the world, she's with him.

"Qualifying is about to start. Lets focus on that now.", Lando said and i nodded.

I walked back to the garage and prepared myself for the qualifying.


I got pole position and my team was cheering. I was satisfied. After a few interviews and press conferences which I had with Max and Carlos, I went back to the hotel. Charlotte called me.

"Hey. Congratulations to pole position.", she said.

"Thank you Cha."

"How are you doing?"

"I'm fine. How about you?"

"Not so good. I'm sorry for my behavior the last days. I understand if you want to be friends with her. I mean you know each other since childhood. And I promise you that I'll be nice to her when we're eat dinner at you family. But promise me that i don't have to see pictures of you cuddling again.", she said.

"Thanks Cha. It means a lot to me. I promise.", i said and then she picked up.


Sunday. Race day.
The most of the drivers were already there. I was talking to Pierre when i saw her. She walked in our direction with Max holding hands. I would be lying if I said it left me cold. She saw me too and we kept eye contact the whole time. The two stay with us, she broke eye contact with me. I still looked at her anyway.

"Good luck boys.", he said with a fake smile and rammed me a bit when he walked away.

"Chill.", Pierre immediately said.

"I have to talk to her."

"No. Let it be. Its the best for the both of you.", he said.

"Yeah fine.", I said and went to my garage.

I took my phone out and texted her a message. While I was waiting for a answer I texted my mum as well. I got an answer from Azalea.

After 10 minutes she texted me that she was there

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After 10 minutes she texted me that she was there. I went out to get her. We went to my room. When I closed the door behind me and turned to her, she was standing in front of me with her arms crossed across her chest.

"So? what is so important?" she asked me.

"I wanted to apologize to you about yesterday. I didn't want to believe you were choosing him. I'm sorry. i didn't mean to hurt you" I said and she didn't look at me.

"Charles! Of course I choose him! he is my boyfriend. why are you making it so complicated? You have a girlfriend. you should be happy and who says it hurt me? maybe I was happy about it."

Ouch. felt like a stab in the heart.

"No. You aren't happy about it."


"Don't you feel anything for me?"

"You can't ask me this! For the record. I. Have. A. Boyfriend."

"It doesn't answer my question.", i said and she didn't say anything. "Look me in the eyes and tell me that you don't have feelings for me.", she looked me in the eyes and my heart was about to explode. I expected that she was going to yell at me.

"I don't... i don't know. My feelings are mixed up at the moment.", she said quietly.

I put my hand on her cheek and forced her to look at me. "I feel the same way." My gaze wandered to her lips and then back to her eyes.

Just one kiss

I brought her face closer with mine, closing the gap between us. She was shocked because she didn't even reply. Suddenly I felt her hands on my neck and she pressed herself tighter to me. I wrapped my hands around her waist and lifted her up. Her legs found their way around my waist. Our kiss got wilder and wilder. Our tongues started fighting for dominance. I turned around and pressed her against the wall, a groan escaping her. Oh fuck.
She bit my lower lip and ran a hand through my hair. That was the sign that she wanted me. like in old times. She wants me as much as I want her. I lowered her but still pressed her against the wall. My lips found their way to the back of her neck and goose bumps covered her body. A second groan escaped her beautiful and full lips. Luckily I'm wearing my suit and it's thick enough, otherwise she would feel directly what she's doing to me.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door and we were back in reality. We broke apart and she looked at me in shock.

"What did we just do? Oh my God. This can't happen again.", she said in panic.

"Breathe.", i said.

"This can't happen again. Oh my god. No, no. Why did you kissed me?", she asked.

"Azalea, i would like to talk about this right now but I can't. I have a race now. We'll talk about this later.", I said and put my suit on properly. I walked out without saying anything else. My engineer calmed down as soon as he saw me. I'm sorry. I said and put the hood on.

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