Twenty five - Happy again

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I was on my way to the dinner with Charles family. I'm a little nervous because I haven't seen his mother in so long. I quickly went to a flower shop and bought a bouquet for her. I parked my car on the curb and got out. I took a deep breath and then walked to the door. After I rang the bell, Arthur opened the door for me.

"Hey Lea", he said and hugged me. I walked in and took off my shoes. When I came into the living room, everyone was sitting on the couch.

"are these for me?", Charles asked laughing and got up to hug me.

"These are for your mom.", I said and smiled.

"Azalea You look great. I haven't seen you in such a long time. How have you been?", she said and hugged me tight.

"You look great too. How are you doing?"

"I'm doing well. I am happy to see you again. I was so glad when Charles told me he met you. He beamed straight away."

"I'm happy to see you too."

"I'm going to take the flowers to the kitchen. dinner should be ready soon.", she said and went to the kitchen.

"Did you know that Charles lied to us about the reason for the breakup?", Arthur said to Lorenzo.

"What do you mean?"

"Charles broke up with Lea. Not her with him.", he said and both looked at us.

"It doesn't matter anymore.", Charles said annoyed.

"Thuthur where is your girlfriend?", I asked so he would stop talking about Charles and me.

"She should come every minute. She texted me that she's on her way.", he said and I nodded.

"I'll see if your mother needs help.", I said and walked to the kitchen. "Do you need help?", I asked her as I walked into the kitchen.

"No, darling.", she said and smiled at me. "I'm glad you're a part of Charles' life again. He loved you so, honey. He was so devastated the months after you broke up. I no longer recognized my own son.", she said and placed her hand on my cheek.

"Me too. I probably didn't even got over him properly. did he tell you?", I asked her, meaning pregnancy.

"Yes, he told me what happened. I told him at the time that he should talk to you because it was probably a misunderstanding. He was just too stubborn. But you should have told him from the start that you were pregnant."

"Yes I know. I just wanted to surprise him.", my voice broke down.

"It doesn't matter now either. I'm glad to see you again. And I'm glad Charles is happy again. Of course, Charles was happy with Charlotte too, but as a mother, I can tell when my son is just pretending to be happy. And it was the case with him. He was never really happy and now you're back and he's radiating such joy.", she said and smiled at me. Her hand was still on my cheek and I felt a tear running down. She wiped it away. I have always loved his mother. She was more mother to me than my own.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐋𝐞𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐜

"Bro, what's going up between you two?", Arthur asked me.

"Nothing. Just friends."

"I don't believe you."

"I don't know. Since she's back in my life, I realize that my feelings for her never went away. She makes me happy. That's not how I felt with Charlotte."

"Maybe you just pretended you loved Charlotte because you wanted to get over Lea.", Lorenzo said.

"Is something going on between you two?", Arthur asked me.

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