Six - More than friends

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I got back to my hotel room after i drove around to clear my mind. Charlotte was already there.

"Where were you baby?", she asked me while she hugged me.

"I was with Pierre.", i lied.

"But Pierre was here a hour ago. He was looking for you.", she said skeptical. This idiot. Well i think its time to tell her the truth.

"I was with Azalea."

"Max girlfriend? Why? I told you that i don't like her because you're acting different in her presence. We discussed it yesterday.", she said disappointed.

"I told you from my first relationship, remember? She is the girl i was with. She is my ex.", i told her and Charlotte looked at me with a sad look.

"When she is your ex why were you with her?"

"Because I wanted to talk to her. Because i am convinced that she's only with Max to take revenge on me."

"And why do you care? Do you still have feelings for her?", her voice broke down.

"No of course not! I love you Cha. She is my past. You're my future.", i told her immediately. Well I'm not really sure about my feelings right now but i know that i love Charlotte. I have to stay away from her.

"Okay. I believe you Charles. I love you too.", she said.

"I'm going to take a shower.", i said and gave her a kiss.

I looked at my phone and i see that the group chat with the boys is very active.

F1 best🏎️

Lan: guys i heard we're all going clubbing🥳
Dan: I'm in👍🏼
Car: count me and isa in
Pie: same😎
Alex: I think we're all in.
Max: Azalea and I will join you later guys😘
Lan: you perverts. Can't you survive one evening without making love?😏

He's doing it on purpose. This idiot.

Me: we're in as well

"Babe we're going with the boys clubbing.", i said. Actually I'm not in the mood but i have to keep an eye on Azalea even though I have to stay away from her. Its hard.

"Okay. I'll dress up while you're showering."

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"Lando is asking if we're are coming too.", Max said after we're finished showering.

"Yeah why not. But I'll need time to get ready.", i said.

"Alright. I send them a text that we're joining them later", he texted the boys and went to the bedroom.

After the conversation with Charles, i had to keep him of my mind, so i went showering with Max. I have to forget him. I worked so hard to get over him and he steps in my life and destroys the walls i had build for him around my heart one by one. I have to focus on Max.

After I dried, curled my hair and put make up on i got into the bedroom to get dressed.
Max was already ready so he sat on the bed and observed me. He had a black jeans and a blue shirt where the first three buttons are undone.

I decided to wear a blue short dress to match with him and which emphasizes my body. My favorite YSL heels can't miss.

 My favorite YSL heels can't miss

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"You look so hot babe.", Max said and hugged me from behind while i was putting ear rings on. I put on a silber necklace and rings on.

"I'm ready.", i said and we made our way to the club. Max took my hand and our fingers intertwined. A few paparazzi were in front of the club and of course they took photos from us. Max immediately put his arm around me and pulled me closer to him. With the other hand he tried to cover my face, not because of the photos that will end up on the web but because of the flashing lights.

"Close your eyes.", he said. I did.

"Max Max. Is she your girlfriend?", they asked.

"Yes she is.", he said and we got into the club.

We walked straight to the others and everyone grinned at us.

"Hello lovebirds.", Lando said and i laughed. I hugged him and sat down next to him. Charles sat across from me of course.

"I missed you today. You didn't wished me luck.", Lando said and looked at me with a pouty mouth.

"Oh I'm sorry Lan. I'll make it up to you by letting you buy me a drink."

"You bitch. You should buy me on.", he laughed and ordered for me a mojito. The whole time i was talking to Lando i felt looks on me. And of course from mr. perfect.

"Is it okay if i take your girl for a dance?", Lando asked Max carefully.

"Sure as long your hands are there where i can see them.", Max answered.

"Don't worry.", he said and winked at him.

I gave Max a kiss and stand up to go dance with Lando.

"Babe let's go dance as well.", I heard Charles.

Lando and I danced together but he was really careful to not touch me where it might be uncomfortable.

"I think we will become best friends. You're crazy like me.", he said.

I agreed with him. We talked about a lot and laughed as well. I didn't see Charles on the dance floor so it means that Charlotte wasn't in the mood.

After half an hour of dancing with Lando we got back to the others.

"Here you have her back.", Lando said as we sat next to him.

I looked at Charlotte and Charles. They both seemed to be annoyed.

"I go get some drinks. Who wants on?", everyone wanted one so i typed the order on my Phone.

Before i went to the bar, i saw how Charles whispered something to Charlotte.

"Hey can you do me this drinks?", i asked the bartender and gave her my phone.

"Would you mind to dance with me?", said the too familiar voice behind me. I would recognize his voice everywhere.

"Why don't you dance with your girlfriend?", i answered him.

"She isn't in the mood."

"I don't think either of them would like it.", I said pointing to Max and Charlotte.

"Why? Its just two old friends dancing", he said.

"You know we were more than friends.", i remembered him.

"I want to apologize for my behavior the last days."

"It's okay."

"No its not. It wasn't my intention to hurt you.", he sighed.

"It's okay. I'm used to it being hurt from you."

"Azalea... i know an apology can't change the past but I'm really sorry I left without really breaking up with you but you could break up with me before you started your affair.", this guy is unbelievable. He still thinks i cheated on him.

"You still believe it that i cheated on you?", i asked.

"You didn't prove the opposite."

"I'm not in the mood to talk about it now. Maybe one day i tell you the truth.", i said. I would tell him now why i acted like that four years ago but its not the time and not the place for it.

The bartender gave me a tray with the drinks and i walked to the others.

What do you think is her secret?

How do you like it so far?

Xoxo Jara🫶🏽

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