Twenty two - Believe me

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"Azalea! Open the damn door.", I said again. I've been standing here for five minutes and she won't open the door.
I kept knocking and suddenly the door opened. I walked in and saw her sitting on the bed. Her eyes are red from crying, her mascara is smeared. She didn't looked at me. She really believed it. She really thinks that of me. It broke my heart.

"Azalea, what she said is not true! I didn't fuck her! You have to believe me!"

"Why should she lie?", she asked, not even looked at me.

"I don't know but it isn't true! You have to believe me."

"Give me one reason why I should believe you instead of her."

"Because I didn't do it.", I said.

"Its not enough.", she said and now her eyes met mine.

"Azalea.. you know me since 20 years. You know her since one day. Its reason enough."

"It has nothing to do with that. You can still have fucked her.", she said angrily. Is she for real?

"Are you kidding me?", I asked and I can't believe that she's accusing me.

"For not fucking her, she told in detail how you did it. And it sounded like your way to fuck. So don't lie to me and tell me the fucking truth!", she got louder.

"Azalea! I'm telling you that I didn't!"

"I don't believe you!"

"Even if i wanted to fuck her, i couldn't because she's not you! I didn't do it nor wanted it!", I got louder as well. She didn't say anything. "I'm serious. I. didn't. do. it. trust and believe me please! I didn't even sleep in the same bed as her."

"Really?", she said and her expression softened.

"I'm serious!", I said and walked towards her. She looked up at me as she sat on the bed in front of me. I put my hand on her cheek and bent down to her. "Don't ever doubt me again. Otherwise I'll make sure you can't walk for a week."

She looked at me with wide eyes and swallowed.

"get ready. I'm starving.", I said and she got up. She went to the bathroom and after 10 minutes she came out. We walked downstairs to the others.

"Finally! I'm starving.", Daniel said and hugged Azalea.

We made our way together to the restaurant where I had reserved a table. Azalea walked between Lando and Daniel and they talked. The others were ahead. Sara walked beside me.

"I'll give you the money later and we'll break it all up. What you did today is unforgivable. You almost destroyed everything between her and me.", I said to her and her smiley face turned into an angry face.

"Do you mean that seriously? It was agreed for a whole month."

"I no longer need this agreement. I'll pay you the agreed sum anyway."

She annoys me. I can hardly look at her.

"Then I will go now. I have no more business here. Just send me the money. you will see what you get out of it.", she said in a very angry tone. She turned around and walked away.

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