Twenty eight - Therapy

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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐋𝐞𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐜

After the season ended, I traveled a lot to clear my head. I was alone for the first few weeks until I met Sara in Miami. She was also alone so we spent the rest together.

"What about this one?", she asked me and held a dress in front of her.

"Yeah this one looks better.", I said and she got into the changing room.

I've been sitting in this chair for an hour, waiting for her to decide on a dress. We're going to a party tonight and she wants to look good on me. She's nice and all, but she annoys me a bit because she's brutally clingy. But as long as she keeps me from thinking about Azalea, it's bearable. Everything is bearable than the thought of her.

"Babe, can you close the zipper?", she said and I got up.

"You're naked."

"I know.", she said and pulled me in the cabin.

"What are you doing?"

"I want you to take me here.", she said kissing my neck.

"Not here.", I said and she looked at me offended. "Do you want my reputation to be ruined?"

"No baby. I'm sorry.", she said and kissed me.

"Good. Now lets go to the hotel."

After we arrived at the hotel we started making out and I fucked her. It doesn't have the same effect on me as Azalea, but I'm a man and when a woman comes at me like that, it just happens. I'm also single and she's a good distraction.

"Lets skip the party and have a second round."

"It sounds nice but they're waiting.", I said and walked to the bathroom. After the shower I got dressed and she was putting on her dress.

"You look beautiful.", I said and she smiled.

"You too.", she said and kissed me.

We arrived at the club and Carlos, Isa, Pierre, Kika, Daniel and Max were already there. They were all in Miami too so we agreed to go partying together.

"What's up mate?", Carlos said and hugged me. I greeted everyone and sat next to Max. Sara took the chance and sat on my lap.

"I heard about Azalea. sorry mate.", he said.

"Its okay.", I answered and I noticed how Sara reacted annoyed as soon as her name was mentioned.

"I see you're well over it.", max said and looked at Sara.

"Yeah.", I said laughing. Not at all mate.

𝐀𝐳𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐚 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐧

"unbelievable that it is always summer here.", I said to Lando while I'm sunbathing.

"Crazy, isn't it? And in England its always winter.", he joked. Well kinda of a joke.

"I would stay here for ever.", I said and enjoyed the sun.

"Well you still have three days left."

"Don't ruin my mood.", I said and looked at him with an angry face.

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