Eleven - I'm here

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"Hello?", his voice answered the phone. Thank god it's still the same number.

"Hey, its me Azalea. Can you pick me up?", I asked with a shaky voice.

"Where are you?", he asked immediately.

"I'm in Milan.", i said crying. Realizing that I'm so desperate that I have to call him.

"Are you crying? I'll be there in 20 minutes.", he said.

"But its an 30 minutes drive.", i sniffled.

"I'm a Formula 1 driver. I can also be there in 15 minutes", he answered.

"Be careful."

"I'll be.", he said and I hung up.

I sent him my location and sat down on the sidewalk. And waited.

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I was watching TV when my phone rang. I took it and my heart skipped a beat when i saw her name on my display. She wouldn't call me without a reason. something happened.

"Hello?", i said so she doesn't notice that I still have her number. But i smiled to know that she also has mine.

She was crying. I was right. Something happened. After she rung up, i grabbed a jacket and ran downstairs. I was on the sixth floor but I still took the stairs because it is faster and I want to be with her as soon as possible. Also, I was full of adrenaline.

I got in my car and started the engine. She already sent me her location so I typed it into the navi and drove off. I was so full of adrenaline that I broke the speed limit. I don't actually do it but at the moment I don't care if I get caught. If something happens to her, I don't know what I'm capable of.

After 15 minutes as I said, i saw her siting on the sidewalk with her head on her knees. She only has a short dress on and its getting colder. She must've been freezing. When I got out, I immediately ran to her.

"What happened? Where is Max?", i asked.

"W-We had a fight.", she said devastated. I hugged her. She is definitely freezing.

"It's okay. I'm here now.", i said and stroked her head. I hold her up bridal style and put her in my car. I took off my jacket and put it over her like a blanket. I buckled her up and got in too.

"Where do you wanna go?", i asked her. She didn't answer.

"I'll drive back to the hotel and take you to your hotel room.", she immediately shook her head.

"I don't want to see him right now.", she said after she calmed down.

"What happened?", i asked her while i started the engine.

"He saw pictures from today at the airport when I had your jacket on and other pictures of us when we were at the beach so I could give you your jacket back. He accused me of sleeping with you on that evening and i got up and walked away.", she told me and i could feel her struggle to not start crying again.

"What a bastard.", i hissed. He forgot that I also have a girlfriend. How can he leave his girlfriend alone in the dark? I'll have to talk to him and I don't know if this will be a nice conversation.

She was quiet the whole drive. When i parked my car in front of the hotel.

"Do you want me to go upstairs and talk to him?", i asked and she shook her head.

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