Fourteen - Lies

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𝐀𝐳𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐚 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐧

He walked out without saying anything. I saw a water bottle and drank it.

I felt like suffocating. how could i let it happen Max can't find out about this. Fuck! Max! i ran out of the back exit of the motorhome and luckily nobody was there. I immediately ran to the Red Bull garage.

"Where have you been? I was looking for you. Everything okay? you look like you've seen a ghost.", he said.

"I spoke to my mother on the phone. My father is not doing so well. I told you he was ill. do you remember?", I feel shitty about lying to him and I feel even more shitty about using my father's illness as an excuse.

"Oh shit. is it very bad? I feel like shit because I have to go right now. but after I'm done here, you can talk to me about it and we make a nice evening to distract you. do not worry. He can do it. i love you", he said and kissed me after he left. Man how can I be so stupid. He's so great and I do stuff like that.

i try to concentrate on running. Charles was in the lead with Max behind him. My heart always stopped for a moment when they got too close. I don't want any of them to get hurt. physically. The race soon came to an end and just before the finish line, Max passed Charles. So Charles was second. He's definitely not happy with it.

Max' engineer waved me to him and asked me if I wanted to congratulate him. I nodded and put the headset on. He pressed the button.

"P1 baby! You made it! Congratulations!", i said.

"Yes baby! Yes! I love you.", he screamed in the microphone.

"I love you too.", i said and gave the headset back to his engineer.

I ran after the mechanics who were all at the barrier where the first three will be. They already knew me and let me go to the front. Max got out of the car and stood on it for a moment. Then he ran to his mechanic and hugged them. Before he could hug me, his mechanics lifted me up so I could climb over the barrier and so that there is no barrier between us. He took off his helmet and picked me up. He grinned and then kissed me. As he put me down, he hugged me again.
"I love you."

"I love you too."

He kissed my head and gave everyone a high five. I felt eyes on me which is the reason why I looked around. Charles stared at me in annoyance. I gave him a smile but he just looked away. He was drawn straight into a short interview, as was Max. I climbed back over and we all made our way to the podium.
Third place was called first, in this case George. Charles came second and Max was last. Everyone looked cheerful except for Charles. He just stared at me annoyed like before.

After the champagne shower I went back and waited for Max. Half an hour later he came to see me.

"It will take a little longer than usual. Here, take the car key and drive to the hotel. I'll text you when I'm on my way.", he said and gave me the key.

"but how do you get to the hotel then?"

"Checo drives me."

"Okay.", he kissed me and walked away.

I made my way to the car and got in. I drove to the hotel and realized that he didn't even give me the room card. I went to the front desk and waited for someone to come.

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