Nine - like old times

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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐋𝐞𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐜

I was so stupid for not believing her. What if i never left her? Maybe we were a happy family now. I'm so stupid.

I still held her in my arms. She had calmed down now. It must have been a horrible feeling, also because she has no sisters and her parents never thought much of me. they stopped talking to her when she started dating me. She was on her own.
I hate myself for not been there for her.

"I hope you can forgive me one day.", i whispered. She didn't say anything.

"I forgive you.", she suddenly said. She sat up slowly.

The sun had already set, but I could still look into her beautiful brown eyes. They reminded me of a teddy bear. I stroked a strand of hair behind her ear. I leaned in and caressed her cheek. I was about to kiss her when her phone rang. We both flinched and came back to reality.

"Yes?... omg I totally forgot... yes I'm on my way... bye.", she said to her phone. We got up and she looked at me. "Here your jacket. I have to go. Bye.", she said and gave me my Jacket. In the next moment she was gone.

I made my way back home. I was totally blown away. What if her phone hadn't rang? I almost kissed her. What just got into me? Why did I do that? I hope she doesn't think weirdly of me now. I can't tell Charlotte.
Charlotte mustn't know what almost happened. Otherwise she will leave me.

𝐀𝐳𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐚 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐧

Here i lay again. I couldn't sleep well. Its the second week which i can't sleep well.
I took my cell phone which is on the bedside table and scrolled through instagram. I followed Charles the day he followed me too. While i was scrolling i saw a picture he posted a few hours ago.

He wanted to kiss me two weeks ago and now he shows that he's over it

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He wanted to kiss me two weeks ago and now he shows that he's over it. Ogh why do i care? I don't care! He can do what he wants! He should be happy. I'm happy with Max as well.
I can't wait to see him. I talked to Lune and she's okay with it that I'm going to Monza this weekend. I promised Max that i accompany him to races in europe. He is in England currently. But he will pick me up from the airport in Italy. I didn't have seen him since Zandvoort but we facetime every evening. I tried to sleep again and it worked.

I woke up at seven a.m. and got ready for work. I only work till 2 p.m. because I have a flight to catch at 5 p.m.
I got into my car and before I drove to my office I got Starbucks for Lune and me. As i entered i noticed that Lune were already there.

"Good morning. Here your extra grande cappuccino.", i said and gave it to her.

"Thanks, you're my hero.", she said and i went into my office.

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