Twenty - Nerves

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𝐀𝐳𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐚 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐧

"How do you know Charles?", the blonde sitting in front of me asked me.
She is really annoying.

"I've known him since we're 3 years old.", i answered and she looked at me with a surprised look.

"Wow. He never mentioned you."

"Yeah it's because you're not his girlfriend."

"I am working on it. He seems to like me a lot and it could be something.", she said. "Since you've known him for so long, you could help me get together with him. You probably know what he's looking for in a woman."
This girl has to shut the fuck up. I can feel the anger boiling inside me. She doesn't know, that I know thats only for show is.

"I'm honestly amazed. He's not really into blonde girls. I mean, Charlotte and I are both brunette"

"You guys are just best friends, or am I missing something?"

"I was his first love and therefore also his first relationship."

"I didn't know."

"it doesn't matter. Just try it. Maybe he wants to try something new.", i said and I could've slap myself for that.

"Yeah. He wants to take me out today. He is very romantic.", she said and tried to provoke me.

"how nice for you.", i said with a fake smile. Such an ass. he wanted me to come to his hotel.
Kika was focused on the Monitors so she haven't pay attention to the conversation between Sara and me.

Qualifying was over and the boys did very well. Daniel didn't make it to Q2. Max was seventh, Pierre sixth, Lando fifth, Carlos fourth and Charles of course first. After their interviews and conferences they got to us.

"I'm so proud of you.", Sara said and hugged him. I gave her a really offensive side eye.

"You did all pretty well.", I said and smiled.

"Yeah it was good.", Lando said.

"Are you in the same hotel as us?", Lando asked me. I didn't really pay attention to what they were talking about as I was focused on Charles and Sara. She's really trying. She snuggled up to Charles and he let her. He looked at me with an apologetic look.

"No. It was fully booked. My hotel is a little further away.", I answered.

"Do you want to hang out tonight?"

"Sure Lan.", I said and smiled at him.

"We can all hang out together.", he said to the group.

"Yeah why not.", Kika said and Pierre nodded.

"We can't-" "We'll join too.", Charles interrupted Sara.

"We wanted to go on a date remember?", She said in an offensive way.

"Yeah but I'm exhausted. I just want to chill.", he said and she was pissed. She is a spoiled person. Charles hates people like that. This will be fun to watch.

Kika and I looked at each other and tried not to laugh. She probably thought the same as me.

"We can chill in my room. I brought my PlayStation.", Yuki said.

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