Ten - Never forget

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"Hey.", i heard a male voice. I faced the person which took the place next to me.

"What a coincidence.", i said. He smiled at me. I love his smile. it brings out his dimples.

"Yeah.", he said and buckled up. "If I had known you were sitting here, I would have changed seats at check-in."


"I don't want you to feel uncomfortable.", he said.

"Relax Charles. We aren't kids anymore.", i answered and looked out of the window.

"I hope you aren't mad at me for telling Pierre."

"Its okay. But i don't want to talk it anymore. And please don't tell Max. He doesn't know about it.", i said looking at him.

"No. I won't tell anyone."



"I hope that the rivalry between you and Max doesn't get any worse because of me. You've always had a healthy rivalry and I don't want that to change."

"We both get along well. Of course there is a tense atmosphere between us, but that doesn't change our behavior on the track.", he said and looked me in the eyes.

I've always found his eyes captivating. I had feelings for him right away when I met him, but he only ever saw me as a best friend until we got older. On my seventeenth birthday he asked me to be his girlfriend and I was the happiest girl ever. We've been through a lot. Jules died the same year we got together and two years later his father died too. It was very hard for him but he can be very proud of himself. He made it into Formula 1 and drives for Ferrari. I would have liked to accompany him on this path, but it wasn't meant to be.

"Are you crying?", he asked and suddenly i noticed that a tear left my eye. "Is everything okay? Did you break up with Max?", he asked me worried.

"No, no. I was just thinking."

"About what?"

"How proud i am of you.", i said quietly but he heard me.

"And that makes you cry?"

"No. I would have liked to accompany you on your way.", i confessed and he put his arm around me.

"hey, you're here now. you can still accompany me. I will never forget what you once were to me. You were not only my first love but also my best friend. And I'd like to have you back in that position. You are the reason why I kept going. Jules, Dad and you were my motivation to keep going. you three still are.", he said. Fuck you Charles! When did I get so emotional next to you? The first days we were fighting and now i cry every time I see you?

I didn't know what to say. I just enjoyed to be in his arms. Crying always makes me so tired that I fell asleep in his arms.

"Wake up.", i suddenly heard.

"Did we land?", I asked while I got up. I faced Charles and he nodded. "I'm so sorry. it must have been uncomfortable.", i immediately said.

"Its okay. I enjoyed it.", he said and got up from his seat.

We walked to the baggage claim and waited for our suitcases. Pierre was already there.

"Hello sleepyhead.", he said to me and smiled. He sat in front of us.

"Hey.", i smiled.

"Did you sleep well?"

"actually yes. I forgot how comfortable he is.", i said laughing and Charles grinned.

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